Well visit to the docs went very well!

the lady I saw I'd never seen before (she's one of many that are doing their GP training) but...what an absolute angel of a doctor!...I could actually cry I feel so relieved...in fact I did a little and she put her arms around me (I'm old enough to be her mum lol).
All these 'physical' symptoms I've been experiencing, jaw clenching, palpitations, throat closing (that's the sticking feeling) even indigestion and heartburn, constipation, stiff neck, bleeding gums (from jaw clenching), short fuse, no concentration, mood swings, rebound insomnia, thoughts racing, being extra sensitive etc...they are ALL the by-product of chronic deep-rooted anxiety and PTSD.
She ACTUALLY understood, I couldn't believe it!! I told her I was tired of being put on X Y and Z tablet and being unheard...I'm not depressed...IM FECKING ANXIOUS!! to the point that I've spent at least the last 25 years being put on one anti-depressant after another and being ignored when I told them its anxiety.
Anyway..she got it!...she really did!.
I've been put on 120mg of Propranolol it's marketed for high blood pressure, but is very good for anxiety - so I'm happy to put up with feeling a little nauseous, with a bit of a head ache and light-headedness if it makes all the other stuff bugger off!
So I have to see same doc in 10 days time. Lets hope this is the beginning of the clouds lifting