Debridgers' Food Diary & Ramblings

WK23 D6 (Wed 15th June) - Green

Pubnight.... had stopped going, but have done the last couple of weeks, few pints (well, it's been OK the last few times ;) )

Breakfast: Banana

Lunch: Jacket & salad, pear
Jacket potato, baked beans, 2x laughing cow (part HEA) , mixed leaves, tomato, cucumber, carrot, borlotti beans, pear

Dinner: Spaghetti Bolognaise & salad
spaghetti, quorn mince, onion, oxo, tomatoes,mushroom, carrot, swede, turnip, celery, 42g lowlow (HEA) lettuce, cue, toms, beetroot

3 pints bitter - 30
50ml whisky - 5
Weekly Total: 95.5
WK23 D7 (Thur 16th June) - Green....WI

had a late breakfast early lunch today, tasty it was too!!

Brunch: SW fry-up
2xquorn sausages, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, 2 poached eggs, 2x400g hovis (HEB)

went to WI..... ooops, a 1lb gain, ok, I'm alright(ish) with it, it's either
A) a bit of a catch-up from my biz trip, as that was such a small gain last week or
B) me being complacent drinking beer the night before WI,
I had stopped doing so, but week I went away, I had 4 pints, and still had a 2.5lb loss, last week, after my trip, I had 3 1/2 pints, with only a 1lb gain....OK note to self - no beer on a Wednesday!!

Dinner: fishless kedgeree with SW raita
(basically leftover smooth mushy pea curry, leftover rice and a couple off eggs and all mixed up)
mushy peas, baked beans, tomatoes, brown rice, hardboiled eggs, vlf natural yoghurt, cucumber,

Very tasty too..

Had an after WI treat, been after the new Stella Artois Cidre for a while, and managed to get some after shopping last night
Glad I only bought 2, it was lush.....nearly had a heart attack today when I looked them up......a flipping 14.5 syns a bottle (I always check in advance before eating/drinking but it was after WI)...ouch :cry:then I was really glad I only had 2, 'cos they went down so, so easily...gulp.

Anyway, Friday - new day!! Have a good week everyone
I also like my beer and it's so hard not to get a few as vodka just goes down far to easily :eek: I have cut my going out down a little :rolleyes:
Hi Geoff, must admit I don't do vodka - never really found the point of it.... seems by the time you've added the mixer, it just tastes of the mixer.... although I know there are so many more now, so I might be bring a bit harsh, as my vodka trying days were 20 odd years ago.
I've always been a bitter drinker, but the last 3 years I only drank lager , then suddenly 3 weeks ago I started on the bitter again - weird!!! anyway, think I'll stick to weekends only again, fingers crossed it'll be ok
WK24 D1 (Fri 17th June) - Green

New day, new week.....Pub night too, actually was pretty much a good girl, a couple less than last week!! We went out a bit later as I was still eating dinner when OH came round... Oh...and if you don't know - bah humbug quorn sausages now have syns......grrrrr :mad::mad:
got around to cooking an SW quiche, neutral one so OK for any day

Breakfast: Fruit
apple, banana, pear,clemetine, grapes

bit of a mixture lunch, more 'picky' and had over an hour or so

Lunch: mini sw quiche and mugshot
egg, lf cottage cheese, onion, tomato, 2xbabybel light (part HEA), chicken mugshot

Dinner: Sausage & sw chips
2x quorn sausage (2), potatoes, poached eggs, baked beans, ww yoghurt

Supper: cheese sarnie
2xnimble granary (HEB), tomatoes, 42g lowlow, 1tbs vlf mayo (1)

Syns incl.above
2 quorn sausages - 2
1 tbs elf mayo - 1
3 pints bitter - 30
50ml whicky - 5
Weekly Total : 38
WK24 D2 (Sat 18th June) -EE

What poxy weather!! I need some sunshine :character00238: Haven't been out riding :character00201: for flipping ages!!

Well, due to the bad weather we had a lie-in (actually that's pretty normal whatever the weather) so didn't have breakfast, afternoon snack....I was good, well, extra good as he had a large chunk of super chocolaty cheesecake & cream I bought him.

Lunch: Egg & Toast
2 poached egg, 2xnimble granary (HEB), tomatoes

Snack: mini quiche
egg, lf cottage cheese, onion, tomato

Dinner, miced beef and veg, strawberries & 'cream'
el minced beef, onion, mushroom, tomatoes, oxo, new potatoes, green beans, cauli, broccoli, processed peas, BNS, strawberries, vlf natural yoghurt, quark, sweetner

Supper: Hot milk
250ml semi-skim (HEA)

Syns: NIL
Weekly Total : 38


WK24 D3 (Sun 19th June) -EE

No breakfast, no lunch, just didn't get around to it, run out of time when meeting OH Son for a fathers day pint...
well, he did, I offered to drive him home, leave his car, bring him back, go to pub, drive him home...about 35miles or so in all....but it also meant it was a diet coke lunch for me!! :innocent0002: I also avoided the free-on-the-bar roast potatoes!! :clap:
I put a chicken in the slow cooker before we went out, so had a snack when we got in, didn't want to ruin my dinner

Snack: mini quiche
egg, lf cottage cheese, onion, tomato

Dinner: 'roast' chicken
chicken,new potatoes, green beans, cauli, broccoli, broad beans, BNS, 2tsp mustard (1)

Supper: hot milk & chewy bar
250ml semi-skim (HEA), Chocolate hi-fi deluxe (HEB)

Syns: incl. above
2 tsp mustard - 1
Weekly Total : 39
What a golden weekend hun! Wow!

Tried quite hard (well, a bit ;))
The cheesecake was a must to buy, it was reduced with 2 days use-by day for a whole whopping 10 pence lol, couldn't resist that for bearing in mind pre-SW we'd a a whole cheesecake between us in 1 go, he had a quater and said it was far too rich, so, I wouldn't have liked it anyway (PHEW)
Beer - well, Friday I tried, so was happy with 3....Sunday, was a bit of a sacrifice, and I would've probably had 4 if he was driving, so that was a good call ;)
As you know, foodwise, I'm normally pretty OK, it's just the beer.... so, stick to weekends only, then that's it...hoping for the 2lb that I was before I went away.
Saw you did the Chinese yesterday...I had one Friday before I went away....and thoroughly enjoyed it....didn't syn it, but was careful :)
That's all we can do hun, isn't it ... just try to make the best choices. After all, like you say, we would have probably finished a whole cheesecake! Gawd blimey ... I should be losing more weight when I think of what I used to eat and drink!

Re the chinese ... it was nice but like you I chose carefully! That kind of food isn't my friend at the mo ... my tum is swollen again :(
Oh dear...that's really not good is it..... what do you reckon? The wheat noodles???

Must admit, the easiest places to eat for me are Wetherspoons grill night - steak, jacket & salad (which I always chose before SW anyway) or harvester, I can easily bypass the afters....ha, If I go Wetherspoons from work, I take a couple of laughing cow to put in my spud.... so avoiding the fullfat mayo!!
WK24 D4 (Mon 20th June) -EE

Well, most days, certainly at work if I have breakfast - it's fruit.....
so, sorted my choice for today and took it to the office, only to find, joy of joys:bliss:they are now leaving a couple of big bowls for us, which will be replaced daily :wow: I'm well pleased to say the least,
OK, I'm only in the office 3 days a week, but, along with breakfast & lunch....I'm pretty much sorted!
Dinner tonight was so, so, lovely, I went back for seconds!!

Breakfast: fruit
banana, nectarine, pear, apple

Lunch: Ham & Rollmop salad
Ham, rollmops, new potatoes, mixed leaves, rocket, cherry tomato, cucumber, carrot, with rice salad -
rice, peas, pepper, red onion.

Dinner: Chicken Caesar Salad, strawberries & 'cream'
chicken, romaine lettuce, 42g lowlow (HEA) 1xnimble granary (part HEB) 8tbs gfy caesar dressing (4), strawberries, vlf natural yoghurt, quark, sweetner

Supper: hot chocolate & chewy bar
1xalpen light (part HEB), coconut options (1.5)

Syns: incl. above
8 tbs gfy caesar salad dressing - 4
options hot chocolate - 1.5
Weekly Total : 44.5
WK24 D4 (Mon 20th June) -EE

Well, most days, certainly at work if I have breakfast - it's fruit.....
so, sorted my choice for today and took it to the office, only to find, joy of joys:bliss:they are now leaving a couple of big bowls for us, which will be replaced daily :wow: I'm well pleased to say the least,
OK, I'm only in the office 3 days a week, but, along with breakfast & lunch....I'm pretty much sorted!
Dinner tonight was so, so, lovely, I went back for seconds!!

Breakfast: fruit
banana, nectarine, pear, apple

Lunch: Ham & Rollmop salad
Ham, rollmops, new potatoes, mixed leaves, rocket, cherry tomato, cucumber, carrot, with rice salad -
rice, peas, pepper, red onion.

Dinner: Chicken Caesar Salad, strawberries & 'cream'
chicken, romaine lettuce, 42g lowlow (HEA) 1xnimble granary (part HEB) 8tbs gfy caesar dressing (4), strawberries, vlf natural yoghurt, quark, sweetner

Supper: hot chocolate & chewy bar
1xalpen light (part HEB), coconut options (1.5)

Syns: incl. above
8 tbs gfy caesar salad dressing - 4
options hot chocolate - 1.5
Weekly Total : 44.5

OMG - that tea sounds scrummy! Love caesar salad and you have managed to make a really lovely low cal one! I will be copying this!

In fact your whole evening's food sounds lovely xx
I used Asda good for you caesar dressing..... 1 tbs = 0.5 syn YAY
Not quite the same as fullfat, but it's been so long, I didn't really notice whether is was 'normal' or not
I 'fried' with frylight a slice of bread really slowly on a low heat, and I used lowlow, as I don't keep parmesan even to syn it

I love, love, loved it :eatdrink023:
WK24 D5 (Tue 21st June) -EE

Had a bit of a revelation today, after reading a post on new healthy extras, I took a diversion to Holland & Barrett to buy some 'milk'
It's actually a non dairy product, and has a hint of coconut - it's very thin, like skimmed milk, but quite tasty.... so decided to make a Thai Chicken curry, .... It was lovely, and I will use the milk again to make a Thai soup... yum, yum, yum

Breakfast: fruit
banana, grapes, pear, apple

Lunch: Turkey & Tuna salad and small fruit salad
Turkey, tuna, 2x laughing cow (3), mixed leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, mixed peppers, kiwi, melon, apple, grapes

Dinner: Thai curry
chicken, rice, 400ml kara (HEA), beansprouts,water chestnuts,bamboo shoots,mange tout,carrot,baby corn, onion, mushroom

hi-fi (HEB) 2x asda chocolate bubbly (6) - 1 milk, 1 white ;)
I don't really eat loads of chocolate anyway

Syns: incl. above
2 laughing cow - 3
2 chocloate bubbly - 6
Weekly Total : 53.5


WK24 D6 (Wed 22nd June) - green

Didn't really get around to breakfast today, don't know why, just didn't

We had got back into the habit of going to the pub on Wednesdays... so, I made sure that I had some nice, decent bottled bitter in, he had one of those whilst I had a really exciting, but syn free - more importantly, alcohol free sprite zero :) so, let's hope that the 'alcohol after the weekend ban' works!! :fingerscrossed:

I had 1 HEA, 1 HEB and I had some philly light - so another A or B, whichever

Snack: apple

Lunch: Jacket potato & salad, melon selection
jacket potato, baked beans, 2x laughing cow (part HEA), mixed leaves, tomato, cucumber, carrot, melon

Dinner: creamy pasta, melon & pineablle
wholemeal pasta, onion, petit pois, sweetcorn, 71g philly light (HE A or B), canteloupe melon and pineapple

Supper: cheese and pickle sarnie
2x nimble granary ( HEB), 3x laughing cow, 1 tbs branston (1)

Syns: incl. above
1 tbs branston - 1
Weekly Total : 54.5
Last edited:
WK24 D7 (Thu 23rd June) - green WI night

Breakfast: Strawberry rice
rice, WW yoghurt

Lunch: HM Onion soup, toasted cheese pitta
onion, oxo, asda wholmeal pitta (HEB), 20g lowlow (part HEA), lettuce

WI .... lost 1.5lb :) so only 1/2lb away from my pre-US trip weight..... 1/2 lb - that's an 8oz steak at the harvester :D so not worried about that

Dinner: Creamy pasta
spaghetti, onion, ham (2), mushroom, 71g phiily light (HEA)

Went and saw some friends that I've not seen for a while..had a couple of cans :beer8: well 4 actually - and some whisky

Supper: toasted cheese pitta & quavers
asda wholmeal pitta (HEB) cucumber,20g lowlow (part HEA), quavers (4.5)

Syns: incl. above
2 slices ham - 2 (max)
4 cans beer - 32
100ml whisky - 10
quavers - 4.5
Weekly Total : 54.5 before WI
Weekly Total : 103 after WI
Thanks, glad I had a loss this week, as I was a bit miffed last week, but it's going so I'm happy :)

LOL, it was a nice evening, they're both in their 70's..... she got mullered, it was so funny :) and I've landed myself with a little job...but that's fine, I can manage easier than them, and I offered.

few pints tonight with he who must be obeyed ;)
You anymore plans.... you've had so many recently
Thanks, glad I had a loss this week, as I was a bit miffed last week, but it's going so I'm happy :)

LOL, it was a nice evening, they're both in their 70's..... she got mullered, it was so funny :) and I've landed myself with a little job...but that's fine, I can manage easier than them, and I offered.

few pints tonight with he who must be obeyed ;)
You anymore plans.... you've had so many recently

I would have loved to have seen the old girl 'mullered', lol!

It's gonna be a quiet weekend here :) Col's got 3 days off so I might drag him round looking for a new car ;) My 10 year old Fiesta could do with a facelift - well, couldn't we all, lol.

Planning a glass or 2 tonight myself ... soooo glad it's Friday!
My car is a little older than your's, by about 23 years.... but I don't want a new one, I'm driving a 1978 MGBGT, I love it, but not great if I want to do a huge shop ;)

Enjoy the vino, I'm looking forward to a couple of IPA's dunno what else were doing this weekend, :fingerscrossed: for a sunny weekend