Gold Member
Hey Dee, sorry your havin a stressy time lately darl... its so true about old habits die hard eh... trick is to never stop trying eh babes
I`ve gained a couple of pounds over the weekend... had some cake again and nibbles at the derbyshire food fair at hardwick on sunday, sat had icecream at Matlock Movies in the park event... plus some indian food :O So your not alone babes.. food is such a natural draw to us all... trick for me is to remember if I`m not hungry, dont eat, and only eat what I need realistically not what I think I need or want!!!! I`m trying to listen to my tummy now.. its full up pretty quickly these days!! I am also very swollen around my feet and ankles due to my kidney disease and varicose veins so I know I`m carrying a fair bit of that horrible water... when they heat drops off it will go down though. I`m not gonna get disheartened and you mustn`t either.... we have to break free at some point Dee?? I`ll hold your hand babes like you said you would me remember? Its scary this eating lark... hope you will be ok... safe back on plan I know... but dont underestimate yourself
Love to you xxx