Hi Mary,
hope all is well with you, it's amazing where you say you don't feel hungry, perhaps you have just got used to eating less. I suppose the routine of work makes it easier as there is set times to eat. Not long till the holidays now, I'll pretend I'm not envious!!!
Take care.
How ya feeling Mary?? Hope you are on the ment..best it comes out before your holiday, that's what I sayI was paranoid before going away. Was washing my hands (obviously) after the loo in work, but then using this antibacterial wipe as well, THEN, wait for it!! I took a paper towel and opened the door to the loos with it. I was so frightened of catching flu or something before my hols and them not letting me into the country..hahaha.........
so, hopefully it is all gone before your lovely trip, which I am sure is about 7-8, maybe 6 sleeps now????????
Feeling any better now Mary?? :hug99:
And yep, least you have it now instead of whilst your in Turkey!
Glad you're feeling a bit better Mary - hope you're soon fighting fit again! Hope DH gets on with it if he's going to! xx
I am sure you will be fighting fit when you get on that plane!!! I would maybe give the hubby some flu tabs just in case ;-)!!
Keep yourself nice and warm still and hopefully you will be back to normal soon.
I still havent got anywhere with this online Turkish course. Mentioned it again to my DH tonight, so hopefully he will email his cousin and find out. If nothing transpires, I think I will have a look myself..need to get myself organised or another year will pass me by without me learning any more Turkish!