Well I made it there and back! The weather was terrible and my flight on the way out massively delayed. BA however, have AMAZING food! It even had NVs on the side although my phone was dead so I've just had to google it to check the pp.
Anyway, I had a lovely lunch out with my family, made reasonable choices and even after a Starbucks hot chocolate, I've only used 22 weeklies. I'm quite impressed! Back on it today though. Berlin has even more snow and I just can't motivate myself to go to the gym tonight.
Thursday's food (let me know if you spot anything wrong!):
Breakfast: 1 slice of Hovis Best of Both 2, 1tsp butter 1, 1 tsp jam 1, banana
Lunch: two slices of turkey 2, chesnut stuffing 5, cranberry sauce 1, a parsnip 2, horseradish mash 3, three little roast potatoes 4, and then a scoop of ice cream 4, and panettone bread and butter pudding 5
Dinner: a satsuma. I threw away the rest of my Lufthansa food. It was rye bread and mettwurst, raw minced pork sausage. I can't stand it obviously! I think the rest of the Brits on the flight were a bit confused because they just called it pork, which I thought would be a better choice than cheese.
Snacks: Costa skinny latte 3, 125ml wine 3, three pfeffernüsse biscuits 3
27/27 + 12
Today's food:
Breakfast: the usual, I think I need to start varying this!
Lunch: pate sandwich
Dinner: Sausage and apple casserole and mash
James has his Christmas do later so no temptation to eat crap or drink wine. I'm going to do my nails and watch the last two episodes of The Hour.