Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

My doctor pal told me last weekend that your body releases this hormone when you have children which has an amnesiac effect... she said it's the only time she knows where it is released. It's why women never, ever remember the really bad stuff about having babies!!

How cool is that?!?!

I told my sister about it and she was convinced that when you get a tattoo the same hormone is released as she always goes back then sits down and thinks "HOW DID I FORGET HOW SORE THIS WAS?!" I don't have any tattoos so couldn't comment! xx
It's the results bit that's scaring me! What if it's bad!!! It's taken me year too just to build the courage to go. How bad is that. Do you think a pre glass of wine to relax is really bad? Lol
I'm so hungry!!!

Breakfast was fritrata...
Then I went to the gym and my mum nearly passed out! I had to go get her a sugary drink was not nice but she is okay now!
Lunch was a salad with rocket,tons,cucumber,beetroot and spring onion with EL mayo.
Team ex lean burgers with apple wood cheese burgers and salad. Hexa and he'd be.
Lol my food diary yesterday didn't make a lot of sense last night! I got that bottle of wine and was in bed by 8! Oops lol
Mums fine . She gave blood the day before and worked a bit too hard I think !
Well I'm at work. I'm here till 8pm but if I don't feel well at lunch time I might text her dad to come home so I can go home. Is that bad? I feel really exhausted Nd a bit sick/ headache. I feel like I need to go to bed but I went to bed at 8 last night..up at 5.20 though. What would you do?
You're right, I will try last as long as I can ( it's my last day today so probably won't see them again anyway :/ ) I might text him later if I still don't feel good just to say if he can get home a little bit earlier I'd really appreciate it.
It's easy job..but I am just sat in someone else's house :/
Feeling a bit better already. Thank god!!

Managed breakfast too- two boiled eggs

Lunch- leftover mac n cheese salad

Snacks- 2 bananas, peach and muller yog

Tea- turkey curry in slow cooker

He's milk. And don't know about hexb :/
I had such a rubbish Christmas last year that I'm dreading it! Although I'm quite looking forward to pj's,slippers and putting candles on before tea time! Also snuggling in blankets. Think I'm over summer already!
I was a bit ill. I think I had norovirus. I also fell out with my sister and got told to leave my mum's house. It's not like me at all though! Me and my sisters usually get on so well! I was hormonal and emotional, poorly and drinking black Russians. Turned me into a monster! We are ok now but no one will forget how horrible I was.
Then we were meant to be at hubby's dad's boxing day but he seemed to think that me being poorly wasn't a good enough excuse, then rick had to go into work to sort a problem and he fell out with us and not spoke since! So was pretty rubbish!
Oh mate :( family at Christmas never bodes well so we just avoid.

Dan's parents come over for a few hours on Christmas Eve. We see my parents for a few hours on Boxing Day.

Christmas Day is ours though. No stress, no hassle, no trying to please everyone else. We have champagne and truffles for breakfast in bed, open some presents, have a little snooze, watch a film, eat a massive turkey with loads of veg and then eat bread and pate all evening with more wine! Prefect :)

You should have your own Christmas. Then you won't be disappointed.