Morning lovely minis!
So after a little Friday night binge of revels,mini eggs and red wine I have started a new day!
Been out for a windy long dog walk which was lovely.
We don't have many plans for January, we never do. We are always sick of eating out and are always skint!!
Tonight will be a prison break marathon , air popped popcorn and maybe a sneaky red wine or 3 with hubby, duvet and candles. It's the little things!
Breakfast- cottage cheese,spinach and spring onion omelette.
Lunch- roasted head of cauliflower
Tea- turkey cottage pie with sweet potato ( 2 syn for gravy) snap peas and spinach
Snacks- popcorn
Hexa will be milk in coffees. Hexb I may use oil for tea.
Enjoy your Saturday everybody. It's a windy one!!