Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Friday night was really good. My friend went all out with the cheese! I was relatively good though, didn't go too overboard but had a bottle of wine.

Yesterday we went to visit friends, humous wraps for lunch, lamb curry for tea but I did have a third of a cheesecake. Oops! We also shared a bottle of red wine but I don't feel too bad about it.

I took the dog out on a lovely walk up the hills this morning and then came home to watch one born every minute and I cried my eyes out...I have never cried at that programme before!
Mother in law visit, quick trip to aldi now home to chill.
Quorn meatballs for lunch and cottage pie or spag bol with courgette noodles for tea.

I have no money till pay day so food this week will have to be planned very well ! Excuse the lack of superfree food!

Going to spend the rest of the day reading clean recipes, watching rubbish tv and drinking coffee! Happy Sunday :)
My spiralised noodles

Dont know if ill ever stop the spaghetti. I do love a bit of stodgy pasta...:p
Hope you had a fab weekend lovely? Keeping everything crossed for a house for you :) xxx

Thankyou! We won't know for a few months yet as they are being built now. I'm so impatient!

I was out for around 40 minutes this morning,jogging and walking. At a guess I did half of each! I'm building myself up so it's all good! I have also done a few weights in between jobs.

Breakfast- quorn meatballs. I really enjoyed having a proper meal for breakfast!

Lunch- brown rice, tin of tuna and a bit of salad. Grapes and special low chewy bar.

Tea- chicken marinated in djon mustard and a teaspoon of desicated coconut. Courgetti and veggies.
Yeah! Haha
Thought I'd give it a go! My fridge is empty :(

Eggs. Out of fate houmous. One pot of jelly. Couple of courgettes. Chicken in the pink bowl..
And a box of ale .
My fridge is rammed with food atm. Sometimes it's easier to have less in!!! Less decisions to make.
The houses will be finished end of spring/ summer this year so I'm assuming when they are finished. We can still apply for anywhere but as we don't have a big deposit we are looking at the help to buy scheme , so only certain houses do this.

If we don't get one we will need to rent somewhere else with an extra bedroom ;) red wine though!

We are thinking of starting to try in July...but depending on what happens house wise we may wait a couple of months . but definitely this year!