Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Same. Least it's friday tomorrow. I don't have weekend plans this weekend. I'm . not sure whether that's good or bad?!
Chilli doritos! I'm trying to have a 100% clean eating weekend ( food wise) as I need to shock my body with it. It gave me a bad tummy on weds so I've laid off the fruit a bit but need my body to get used to it ( whilst I'm near a loo haha sorry!) Think I have a sensitive tummy!
I can drink wine though it's the weekend! I want to run Saturday morning too ...
No but we went on a hour and half dog walk up the hills


Tired legs!
Breakfast- bacon bap, but I picked the bacon out the bap and threw the bread away for some reason! Didn't fancy it!

Lunch- broccoli soup. Boiled egg.

We are meant to be at a bbq later , really can't be bothered but I said we would go. Not sure on food !
At the bbq I had burger in a bun and pulled pork in a pitta! Then on the way home we were hungry so got pizza! Oops!

Trying to be good today. I have extra lean mince out for tea. Not sure yet though but trying to avoid bread today. I have some gluten free bread coming in the shop tomorrow as I'm getting tummy ache so will see if this helps.
I think I'm going to save it for tomorrow and do like a spag bol but in a butternut squash if that makes sense!
I weighed myself today and ashamed to say I'm 9.3 so I've put on a few lb! Need to nip this in the bud now really!