Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Have a good day Becki.
Hope the beans arrive! ;)

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Oh dear... what you gonna eat?

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I have with roast potatoes...However atm I use frozen garlic! We are growing garlic though so I will be getting fresh. I found peeling and using the garlic crusher a pain and more washing up!!
Yummmm love garlic roasted always make slits in my meat joints and put whole cloves in. :D

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Tea -

Looks lovely, ive never tried kale is it tasty, got visions its bitter is that right?

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It is quite bitter! It's alot like cabbage. I like to add mint sauce or something. It's so good for you though! Super food!!!
My mid morning juice


Orange long ginger cucumber and pineapple . Yum!

My julienne peeler arrived so I can make courgette spaghetti and my organic apple cider vinegar. I've had two teaspoons with 8 oz of water. Yuk but hopefully reep the benefits soon :)

Oh also been running although I only managed 1.7 k. Better than nothing!
Ooh let us know if the vinegar thing works. Do you syn the juice? i know your meant to. Im thinking of doing a green juice smoothie thing next week but having my evening meal. But i refuse to syn it if its no more than what i would normally eat.

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P.s well done on your running. Its great once you start isnt it?

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No I don't syn it. To be honest I've not synced anything for a few weeks! I'm looking more into clean eating but I'm a bit scarred! It's hard work to do full time so trying to balance what I've learnt from slimming world but eliminating too many processed foods!
Good luck keep us updated as im up for cleaner eating (shes says after todays food!!) Guess i must lose more weight first b4 experimenting, I dont know. :confused:

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