Back on track today!
Not entirely sure what to do with my stats tho as I won't be going back to class so I need to go with my scales, and according to them this morning I weighed 19st 4lbs which is a loss from my last WI?? But those scales are about 7 to 10lbs lighter than the class ones so am I actually 20st??
I dunno what to do, but I think just pretending I never went to SW and resetting my stats back to what my scales originally told me is the only thing I can do!
Also not sure if I should email the consultant to tell her that I won't be back? Its pretty embarrassing really, not being able to afford it

but now that I'm out of work and also not going to get a bursary now that college is finishing, I can't justify £5 a week on it

don't think I'll even have a fiver a week for myself!! Stupid dole
Anyway this post is beginning to depress me. Will post a food diary in a seperate post