Yesterday went horribly wrong!

I was on red and ate rice with lunch without even thinking, I snacked on mini salmon pastry things cos I was bored, had 2 cans of cider with dinner and ate 4 HEB choices (2 rolls with burgers for dinner, toast, cereal bars and more toast)...... I tried to save it all with a WW yoghurt and lots of fruit but I think it was a lost cause by that point
Today I had to get up early to arrange my JSA appointment, so instead of going back to bed like I'd planned to do I decided to stay up! I think laying in bed until lunchtime is bad for me

anyway I think I've had my epiphany... I need to stick to this for at least one day! The first day is always the hardest I find. It's like stopping smoking or something! But I think if I can force myself to get out of bed when I have nothing to get up for, I can control my eating!
So today I will get back on track! The stressful things that were distracting me before have settled down now, no more exams to worry about, life at home is bearable again (especially since the internet got put back on), I think money is ok for at least a month, so I don't really have much to blame my binging on! Obviously my health anxiety is ruining my life but if I let it do that then it just gets worse. I worry so much about my health and then I binge on bad food, it makes no sense

I have my initial assessment or whatever it's called with a therapist next week so hopefully that will help. Just trying not to think about the kidney scan I'm having done this week.
Anyway, I have a wedding to go to in 9 weeks time, I wanted to lose 40lbs for it but I don't think that's manageable in 9 weeks. 20lbs is though! Just about lol. I am 19st 1lb (well I was on Saturday) so that would take me to about 17 and a half stone..

I want to do it!!!!!!

There is this horrible wee bit of my brain that keeps thinking "but I can't be bothered" jeezo! How do I get it to shut up?!
I think I will go look at pretty size 22 dresses for this wedding! Maybe that will shut it up

Food diary later cos all I've had so far is 2 coffees