Gold Member
Oh balls I just had some crisps!
Hi Nikki!
Proper long time no speak! Haha
Really good to see you.
Oh god my life has probably totally changed since we last spoke.
I'm really good thank you
Back on the dieting boat haha
Are you ok?
How's little one?
I'm typing this from the gym lol
I'm here I'm being strong I'm sweaty! Haha
I've got Florida on my mind for AugustI want to drop a stone, that's my first goal.
Bring it on
Today's food so far has been ok, I'm hungry now but I'm just ready for tea after a long day!
I had a car crash two weeks ago, it's been awful!
I'm ok I have slight back ache and neck ache but I'm hoping physio sorts that out.
How's everyone else feeling today?
Really tasty and lots of veg
Instead of wedges I did sweet potatoe fries which I just cut up, baked with a squirt of fry lite and sprinkled Cajun on top
I need to add an additional 192cals to my diary as I had some ham when I got in. My legs were all jellied from the gym.
I may need to up my calories for dinner/afternoon snack before the gym to keep me going.
I'm hoping to do Aquarobics tomorrow night x