Fat birds can't fly

Oh balls I just had some crisps!
Hello birdies!

What a day! Busy little bee

Anywho here goes

Cheerios 155
Milk 50

Bagel 250
Can't believe it's not butter 70

Beef 300
Veg 35
Carrots and swede 54
Gravy 60

Jacobs salt and vinegar crackers 236
LU biscuit 126
Apple 72

1384 cals

84 over

Not bad, I need to go shopping for fridge stuff!
Maybe I'm best off having a roll with ham for dinners instead of grabbing something random
How's everyone's day been?

Mine hasn't been too bad, I'm not eating the 'right' things but I am eating less,
I need to cut out some of the rubbish and choose better calories x
I'll update my diary for yesterday later, I did ok :)

Didn't get time for breakfast yesterday morning so was starving by dinner!

That rubbish weekend I had and Monday knocked my weight loss back and I'm only just back down to my -4lbs loss! How annoying is that!
Not doing that again! X


Low fat super noodles 332 cals

Chicken wings 533

1/2 oranges 34
Solero 90
Pringles 192
Biccys 126

1307 cals

Cheerios and milk 182

Jacket with cheese and beans 412

Chicken breast and pasta 687

Biscuits and princles 290

1571 cals

271 cals over
Add another 126 cals because I just had some more biscuits!
I need to go shopping x
I just jumped on the scales,
Another lb off!
This weekend I promise not to eat a load of crap!
Although I have reports to write so I may end up slipping up a tiny bit! But deffo no takeaway x
Yes I've been off plan all weekend, am I sorry, nope! haha
I've had a rough few days, I've spent every waking hour of my weekend writing school reports for tomorrow. I'm 100% shattered and pig sick of this and if chocolate is the only thing that will get me through then so be it! lol x
I've been screwing up for quite a while now, however, I am joining the gym tomorrow!! I kid you not. To be continued!! :)
Hi Nikki!

Proper long time no speak! Haha
Really good to see you.

Oh god my life has probably totally changed since we last spoke.

I'm really good thank you :)

Back on the dieting boat haha
Are you ok?
How's little one?

Im like the worst Minimins subscriber ever! Have they not released a new app yet for it, I never use my laptop so forget to logon!

You will have to fill me in with all your changes??

Life has been so busy! I got married in August last year, went to Mexico on honeymoon, little one is now 3 years 3 months old and i'm 7 months pregnant with baby girl 2!!! I managed to almost get back to prepreg weight before the wedding which was fabulous since i gained a whopping 4st 5lb whilst pregnant, trying to be more conscious this time and have gained 1st 5lb so far which is amazing!! Last baby for us though so can not wait to get back into and finally hit target for our 3 week cruise and orlando holiday next october!

Hi everyone!

Aw Nikki I've just seen this!
Congratulations!! You will have had your bundle of joy by now
I really should add you on Facebook or something lol
I'm off to orlando in August this year!
How is everyone??

I could really do with some help and motivation :-(
I feel a bit down! And worried. Worried for my health and general well being.
I just feel so so unhealthy!
I hopped on the scales today and I'm just dithering at a crappy weight!
With having PCOS too I am just scared I'm going to end up with diabetes if this isn't a wake up call I don't know what is!

So I am taking a proactive approach.
I have my smoothie maker, gym membership and hand blender to make soups! I have meal prepped loads of calorie controlled meals for during the week and I'm ready to go.
PCOS says you should not eat processed food, dairy, gluten, high sugars and probably anything that tastes nice lol so that's just what I'm doing! I'm cutting them all out!

Anyone else with PCOS and feeling similar to me?

Hi there.

I´ve been feeling very much like you say above ( haven´t got PCOS though ) . I hope you´re feeling better now.
How´s the gym ? and the soups ?
Hi guys!
Decided to upload my diaries from now on :)

I'm back to pen and paper because well, it worked last time and my apps annoy me! Haha

Diary is for tomorrow, here goes nothing!

How is everyone?
I'm still gymming but my food has been out of whack eek



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I'm typing this from the gym lol
I'm here I'm being strong I'm sweaty! Haha
I've got Florida on my mind for August :) I want to drop a stone, that's my first goal.
Bring it on :)
Today's food so far has been ok, I'm hungry now but I'm just ready for tea after a long day!

I had a car crash two weeks ago, it's been awful!
I'm ok I have slight back ache and neck ache but I'm hoping physio sorts that out.

How's everyone else feeling today?
Really tasty and lots of veg :)
Instead of wedges I did sweet potatoe fries which I just cut up, baked with a squirt of fry lite and sprinkled Cajun on top :)

I need to add an additional 192cals to my diary as I had some ham when I got in. My legs were all jellied from the gym.
I may need to up my calories for dinner/afternoon snack before the gym to keep me going.

I'm hoping to do Aquarobics tomorrow night x


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I'm typing this from the gym lol
I'm here I'm being strong I'm sweaty! Haha
I've got Florida on my mind for August :) I want to drop a stone, that's my first goal.
Bring it on :)
Today's food so far has been ok, I'm hungry now but I'm just ready for tea after a long day!

I had a car crash two weeks ago, it's been awful!
I'm ok I have slight back ache and neck ache but I'm hoping physio sorts that out.

How's everyone else feeling today?

Sorry to hear you were in a car crash...glad you are ok...

Just wondering if your back and neck are still sore I wonder if the gym is a good idea as it might make it worse?
Really tasty and lots of veg :)
Instead of wedges I did sweet potatoe fries which I just cut up, baked with a squirt of fry lite and sprinkled Cajun on top :)

I need to add an additional 192cals to my diary as I had some ham when I got in. My legs were all jellied from the gym.
I may need to up my calories for dinner/afternoon snack before the gym to keep me going.

I'm hoping to do Aquarobics tomorrow night x

Your food looks tasty:D