Fat birds can't fly

Aw I'm ok really,
Just starting out with gentle exercise really :)

I was on my way to the gym when I had my accident haha so mad too! My car was a month old, brand new VW Tiguan :-( gutted!
She did 5ks worth of damage, I wanted to throttle her

I'm going doing a gym and swim later
Gives me enough time to do next weeks planning so my PPA tomorrow can be filled with getting my books up to speed. If you didn't guess I'm a teacher haha life is hectic! Fast paced and constant. Your head gets well and truly pecked being a teacher.

How's everyone?
Yesterday was another good day!
I did Aquafit woo
I was aching last night but I'm ok today :)
No gym tonight until tomorrow now.
I have staff meeting tonight blah !
Good news I have PPA this afternoon though :-D
Just maths and English to get through phew haha

Last nights tea and tonight's tea

I will upload my diaries shortly,



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6lbs down :-D
8lbs down!
I'm on it I'm motivated!!
This weekend has been really good. Usually weekends are my downfall too, I'm quite proud of myself :)

Hope you lot are doing ok?

I had a GORGEOUS Sunday beef roast tonight.
However I have only eaten 853 calories so I'm a lot under. I don't want to eat for the sake though, I'm quite satisfied with my tea and hot chocolate lol

Tonight's tea!

Smoked cod, mushy peas, veg and 5 mini potatoes x


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Just finished an Aquafit workout Goosed !

How's people doing?

Some support would be lovely x
Hi there!
How's it going?

Here's my tea tonight
Salad, Cajun chicken with onions and garlic and cauli rice :)


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Aw good on ya
First day is the hardest haha
It'll be 2 weeks for me on Monday

My weight has stopped I haven't lost anything since Sunday :-(

Pants lol

I'll keep going :-D
I'm hoping to swim tomorrow evening. I only exercised on Tuesday.

Yesterday I had a 'bad day'
I went to a 1940s weekend in Howarth :)
It was ace!
I had fish and chips a handful of sweets some alcoholic beverages not many though and then a curry take away when we got home.
But! Today I am back on it and just getting ready for the gym

Hi guys,

Back again!
So I've been back on calorie counting plan since Sunday and doing incredibly well!
I've been to the gym 3 times and feel really motivated!
Just want some advice really.
After 3 almost 4 years of teaching I'm looking to come out of it and decide on a new career path. I just feel rubbish all the time and it really irritates me!
Sick of the constant politics at school, scruitinities and workload at home.
I'm applying for a role as a police call handler and looking at joining the specials too.
Fitness is something I am now working on ! I have until Feb/March to drop 4 stone. I've lost 4lbs since calorie counting and going to the gym and I'm feeling motivated than ever.
I'm worried I'm not doing the right thing :-/

Any teachers amongst us?

Hi Frankie...I'm mid career change too. Not a teacher but a tutor working in adult education for over 20 years. Internal politics got the better of me too and the endless hours spent on paperwork rather than teaching.
Best wishes with your weight loss journey, you have a great goal in mind now.
Hi Frankie...I'm mid career change too. Not a teacher but a tutor working in adult education for over 20 years. Internal politics got the better of me too and the endless hours spent on paperwork rather than teaching.
Best wishes with your weight loss journey, you have a great goal in mind now.

It's good to know I'm not the only one in this sinking ship

I am really undecided! I am at a point in life I want to start a family. This week I've spent hours talking to people in this particular role and there are some major pros and cons.
I'm wondering if I concentrate on trying to get pregnant and losing weight for now. Complete my masters degree and sign up to join the specials

So many options! I'm really confused :-(

Well guys
Bit of a life update
For those of you who have followed my blog for a while. I’ll be hanging up my teacher cape at the end of summer and it’s the best decision I’ve made for myself. I can’t go on feeling this miserable in a career that I’ll be stuck with for years to come.
I’ve decided to try and go back to uni to study something completely different! Midwifery!
It’s exciting and I’m really hoping I get an interview :-D
How is everyone doing?

That's great news but a big change from.what you had planned with the police.
I have two friends who both studied midwifery on their 40s and loved it.

When do you start?
What made you change to midwifery?
And how did the diet go?
A huge change yeah
I’m waiting on interviews with the univarsities first
Let’s hope I get one :-D
Midwifery has interested me for a while and teaching/midwifery do kind of go hand in hand with the skills needed.
I have an interview in 2 weeks for the special constables so I might still go along and try out for it.
Diet stopped for a while, I didn’t gain a great deal but I also didn’t lose anymore. I did lose around 10lbs but have lingered on that loss. I’m hoping this week has put me back on track :)
It’s so hard isn’t it.

How are you?
Good luck with your interviews and best wishes for the future on your new career.
Im up a bit too but trying to lose again as I start a new job on Monday, just low pay and for 6 months but it means no more fighting for contract teaching hours and a regular wage.
Hi Frankie, I've really enjoyed reading your journey today and just wondered how you were getting on? x