Silver Member
I don't think they do tbh. I always use my home scales for the measurements but they have everything on record down their end so the main thing is i'm losing! x
Well doneYeyyyyyy double figures!!! Finally!!! hahaha.
So I've made my decision and goal. I will start my re-feed on May day bank holiday 6th May 2018! That will take me to a day short of 11 weeks TS!! Well a day short... The longest I have done is 6 weeks, but in all honesty it was christmas that got in the way of it being any longer and I've learned from 2016 that I literally can not take a break and resume shakes within the same yearI will be missing a lot of events in the next 9/10 weeks but I know bank holiday everyone will come together so Ill mentally prepared for a chicken salad or some sort of protein on this day
So the countdown is on! 9/76 days done....
lets do this!
I know what you mean, I struggle to get back on the wagon once I eat food. Makes it harder. Lol I'm sure you have lost weight.Eeeek I wont be doing AAM :/ unless for some reason my weight ever plateus for a week in which case I might HAVE to. I remember last time though mixing food with packs just didnt agree with me. It was actually quite scary the thought of ruining my streak with the packs :/ Thats how all or nothing I am!! That said Ive only ever done 6 weeks in one go so havnt had to worry too much. I think 11 weeks may only be sustainable if I at least try it .... See where I'm at when the time comes!!
Just had my first shake and slowly sipping my first litre of water... Trying not to overfill myself cause the GP will be like... hmmm... youve lost no weight hahaha.
Just caught this sorry. I don’t know what happened. Thanks for the tip xHow did docs go LL? You’re doing so well I’m sure it’s good news. Have you tried bisocodyl for bung up or senna? I’ve been in a similar situation but two warm packs close together seemed to help. Good luck today.