Sunday 2 34pm
I have a lot to write and I'll be all over the place, you've been warned lol
For the past 3 days its felt like my heart has been broken. My best friend and I had a huge blow out. When you're a girl, and have a guy best friend, things get complicated. Let's just say, I stayed in bed crying for the most part.
Saturday, I couldn't lay in bed much longer because I needed air. So I went to the park and walked the 3 miles trail. Today, I did the same thing. I have a feeling I'll be walking 3 miles every day from now out. It was 29 degrees, so really cold, but after 5 minutes...your body warms up and you're fine. I felt awesome getting excerise. Today, I didn't want to stop at all.
Things with the best friend are a bit better. I thought I lost him for good, he really hurt me. A lot of people that I spoke to said it was messed up what happened. F**k my heart basically lol
I've been drinking loads of veggies, I read that fruit has too much sugar so I cut back on it.
I haven't slept much in the past couple of days. This morning I had a dream, it scared me so bad that I woke up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. It was strange.
As for the job, I'm still waiting on what's going to happen. In january if I don't find anything, I'll be able to apply and get unemployment but I rather have a job.
I feel like crying. I needed to vent so of course i'd come here. I'm glad I'm on the juice diet, because I would've gained 20lbs in 3 days from being so upset LOL.
The diet is going good. Day 3 is almost over, and I'm not hungry nor wanting food.