finally taking control of my body

Pomooky125 said:
Oh Elm, your post is so sad. Don't give up on your emotions - have a good howl. I don't know what your problems are - I only caught your thread by accident as I was looking for some support (I had a mega binge today after 3 weeks eating normally).

You ARE strong! But you're allowed to make mistakes - you're only human. Don't give up - there's lots of us here to spur you on. You've lost heaps of weight and with health problems too - that shows you have a strong will, just stop using it against yourself! Start again tomorrow. This time you will climb right back up again sure and slow but you WILL peel off the weight.

Me too - I know I can do it now and I'm not giving up just because I have eaten the size of my backside in chocolate. C'mon Elm! Don't cry any more - get yourself ready for the next step.

A big hug Pomooky XX :)

I feel bad for just spilling my emotions all over this thread. People on here are always looking for support, and my last post wasn't very helpful. I'm sorry. I do hope it does get better for you. Everyone has a bad day/week/month, even year but it always does get better and that's what everyone, including me, needs to remember.
Still don't know what day it is. Probably tonight or tomorrow I'll find out what day it is.

I had a job interview yesterday and the same guy that hired me, also hired me at my other job from 3 years ago so it was a nice surprise. Its finally nice to have a good paying job.

Just need to get back into this diet, now I'm eating too little since I can't stomach too much.

Everything will be okay. Just smile; even if it hurts.
Emmaline, thank you for always caring <3

For the third time, I will be going back to work for AT&T and it will be at a call center with a lot of over time available which means I will be working 14+ hours 7 days a week and I'm so happy about that.

Day 1

Yes, I am starting over. It is March 24th today, a Thursday 6 06 in the morning. Its really sad that for the past almost 4 months, I haven't been dieting, I wonder how much I could've lost if I stuck to it. Maybe 40-50 lbs by now. But you know what? Its a new start. The scale says 250. I will be weighing myself every Saturday though, so yes I'll be skipping this Saturday and do it on april 1st. My goal is to lose 15lbs by the end of april. I can do this, I know I can. I have to.

So here is to starting over. :)
Yes you will do it this time! OK 4 months passed without the diet but you are gonna be dieting the NEXT 4 months and will drop a lot more lbs. You have got yourself working and haven't sat back and given up - you are determined so you will lose the weight, slow but sure.

Keep strong Elm.. I'll be looking out for your posts. I started again yesterday. I felt so gross - bloated, ill and tired from a sugar overload, my skin looked dry and my eyes piggy (the Pinot Grigio didn't help! :D) so I guess it can only get better.

Pomooky, we can do this! This time, let's finally get to the weight we want to be at!

Day 2

4 11 in the morning

Yesterday went pretty well. Today? We shall see. Its Friday, so I'll keep active even though its suppose to rain for the next 3 days and then snow on Monday, which is funny since its spring now lol.

Hmm, time for bed. Good night and keep smiling no matter what!
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Day 4

9 01 in the morning.

I got completely drunk last night and feel like crap today. Bad start of the diet lol.
Yes, I will not be drinking for a long time. Last time I had a drink was about 3 years ago. That night I just needed it lol.

Day 6

Tuesday 11 23 at night.

So far everything with the job is going good. And everything is going good with my guy. Diet, yes that is going well too. Even though I do eat some bad stuff, I limit myself to a tiny piece. And yes, really really tiny piece.

If everything is going so well, then why does it feel like something is wrong? I wonder how many people feel this way.

Weigh in is in 4 days...exciting? Not really lol.

I'm all over the place on this post. I guess I'll just continue to smile, no matter what. :)

Good night, all.
Great stuff Elm!! Getting back to your healthy eating prog and what with the job an' all!!
Perhaps I can tell you what it is that is making you feel gloomy - that thought lurking forever in the back of your mind that somewhere and somehow you are going to fail yet again! - Right?
Well forget it... You make the choices and that can be due to a lot of outside pressures, job, health, occurrences that we have no control over. Take the moment and own it, enjoy that cream bun, choc bar, whatever, and then get back to your healthy lifestyle and when that becomes your CHOICE all that angst will go and you will find you can enjoy the "healthy" stuff just as much! - Try it! Bet you it will not only work but you will be a much happier bunny as well.

Take care sweetie...:)

Stop beating yourself up! It's like you feel you don't deserve to be happy. Maybe you feel that if you lose weight things will be too good for you and deep down you're scared of losing weight?

Go for it Elm, you have everything on your side and you can go and buy yourself something nice when you drop some lbs (which you will) and look forward to that instead of the weight loss itself.

Keep going - you're doing so well!!

Pomooky XXX
Day 10 April 2nd a Saturday 8 02pm

250 - 3 = 247lbs. I'll do better next week.

And I continue to smile.
Hey me dear, i'm back evantualy haha. Missed you heaps. How have you been keeping? I see you getting back on track. Good lass :)

Well, I hope to be back on here more again now things have calmed down at work.

You'll have to go ready my post on my diary to see the latest. Would babble on here too but it's silly repeating myself hahaha.

Speak soon chick xxxxxxxxx
Our company lost the clients so now 800 of us are without a job. Sigh back to looking for another job again. And of course when I'm in the mood, I can't eat. So I haven't had anything in a few days.
Not sure why I've been happy lately, but I'll take it and not question it.
In less than 6 hours, it will be may 1st, and I will be 22. Can't believe I grew up so fast.
I have restarted yesterday. So today is day 2 and going good.