I'm at the biggest weight I've ever been in my life. My grandma died July 4th and I couldn't fly to her funeral because tickets were over $2,000. Someone tried breaking in my house 3 days ago so I sleep during the day and stay awake during the night. I'll be getting my license next week to get a gun. My life has been shitty. I cry a lot and wish I was dead. This is the lowest I have ever felt in my life. I also haven't found a job yet.
I weigh 299.8lbs. That scares me.
BUT...and stick with me here. Some of the things you've listed you can change. YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT, and you were doing it well before 'life' happened.
Is there any way you can up security at your house? Maybe call a local police station for info or to get advice...I had my house broken into years ago and i felt violated. Ever since then I err on the paranoid side of security but it means I can sleep at night. If you can, please go and speak to a doctor and get something to help you relax and get back into a 'normal' sleep habit, it will help your mental health, as well as help you to focus on YOU, your health and your employment status.
There are plenty of ways to lose weight without spending a penny - don't let it beat you. Look up the symptoms of depression - you sound in a similar position to me a few years back, and I needed medication to help me find my way again, although it might not be necessary for you.
I don't really know what else to say, apart from you can do this. Don't knock yourself as you have done so well...part of weight loss is learning how to deal with emotions and overcome them without using food.
Hope you are OK and please talk to people where possible, even if it is a stranger in another continent

You are never alone in this world, only if you chose to be. x