Yoga feels so good. My back feel wonderful. It's nice doing it every night, again. I worked 10 hours of over time today so I'm about to pass out. And 10 hours tomorrow.
I probably put on 8lbs.
My aunt is doing a tiny bit better but with lung cancer, you won't win. Night 6 of being in the hospital.
I never know the correct thing to say in situations like this. If we were having this conversation face to face I'd give you a big hug.
I'm glad you back into doing yoga. But how do you manage to get it in after working 10hrs overtime? I barely make it to my bed and am pretty much a zombie for the next few days till my body gets back to normal.
I wake up 5:15AM and do 10-15 minute YouTube videos and then I come home and do it for 17-20 minutes and I force myself even though I'm tired - I sit all day long and my back and neck hurt and I know yoga will help the pain so I do that instead of taking Advil or something to help pain.
5.6lb gain hahahahahahahahahHahahahahaha
I have my food for the week so there's no reason why I shouldn't have a good weigh in next week.
6:48AM - just finished packed my food for the day.
Breakfast - chilli
Snack - 4 egg whites
Lunch - fish and veggies
Snack - Bosnian food that I don't know how to say in English lol
Dinner - protein shake
This is what I weighed this morning. My dad thinks it's because I had a lot a lot, I mean A LOT of carbs the day/night before weigh in day . We'll see what happens with the rest of the week.
There's nothing else they can do at the hospital for her. They are discharging her soon; she'll be going to a hospice. She probably won't live more than 7 days there.
It's hard to try to enjoy the moments with her when all you want to do is cry and try to save her.
How are you doing? Did you check your weight post 274 the other day?
I agree with your dad - it is the carbs. My super fit buddy keeps encouraging me to have the odd cheat meal (he calls it macro manipulation) and that usually results in a bigger loss that week for me as well...
Since we don't celebrate Christmas but we do celebrate New Years, we get each other gifts. look what my sister gave me early so I can work out! Kettle bells! I've always wanted them and she got it for me. So freaking happy. There's a 5lb, 10lb, and 15lb. It's perfect!
Ahh well done on your 4.8l loss!!! You're doing so well! I put on 10lb over xmas and holiday. My own fault really, I got into bad habits. Did a big shop today and am going to start again from tomorrow morning - and hopefully get back into the 12's by next week Hope your nan is doing OK xx
Haha!! I've been away on hols being very naughty But now back on the plan from today, am going to go to my allotment and dig, get lots of exercise in and begin eating properly again and hope I shift some of this weight!! x