Turbo kick!
I've only worked out like 3 times between days 20-30.
Since this is my journal...I'm about to put some tmi. No really, fair warning. If you want to continue reading, do so after the next picture.
Okay...I warned you...
So I haven't had a proper time of the month in years. I mean, like 8 months ago it was just some discharge but that's it. But nothing like on your period 4-5 days, cramping, and all that other stuff. My doctor said it was due to my stress and weight. And the fact that I have my period and it's been here since Thursday and it's not just spotting/discharge, I'm pretty proud that I got my health back down to where I have a proper time of the month. It sounds stupid to be happy about something like that but when your weight messes with something normal a body should do, it gets scary.
100 day healthy eating challenge:
Day 10: lost 7.4lbs
Day 20: lost 2.4lbs
Day 30: STS
I forgot to weigh in yesterday which was my day 30 and I forgot to do it this morning before working out so even though I have water, protein shake, and time of the month, it just shows me that I'll have a great lose on day 40. I can't wait to be under 260!
Off to eat some lunch and then to the library to do homework for 3 or so hours.