Oh my! It's so nice to see a familiar face around here! Thank you for dropping by! I hope everything with you and hubs is going well! ?
From Saturday:
Turbo kick class
It's Sunday - day 4
I'm going strong and doing pretty well. My motivation is so high that I do not have any cravings. That's how bad I truly want to be happy, finally.
Summer class starts Tuesday. It'll be Tuesdays and Thursdays and only a math class. I think 6:30pm from 9:20pm or 9:40pm...so it'll be long and I can tell it'll be extremely difficult. But I'm determined to do well.
My gym schedule:
Monday: 5:30pm - Zumba 6:30pm - turbo kick
Tuesday: 6:00am - circuit toning
Wednesday: 5:30 - Zumba
Thursday: 6:00am - circuit toning
Saturday: 9:30am - turbo kick 10:30am - Zumba
I have to add running back in my schedule. I want to run a half marathon next April 2015.
Once fall classes start, I won't be at the gym as much due to more classes I'll be attending but I need to stay active.
I hope to be under 200 by the end of December this year. Then next spring, I can add a gym class to help me stay focused.
I have so much goals and dreams.