Flirty's diary ...............

Hello Pink Lady - great news and 4lb gone - fantastic, should start to feel a whole lot easier now, especially as you're so motivated. Keep it up :)


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You're very welcome Bev :)
Hey Bev

Well done on getting back in the pink!!! How you feeling??

I'm on day 17 and it's still frigging killing me!!!! Roll on target!

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!:eek: :p :eek:
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!:eek: :p :eek:

I've seen it - it is beautiful!

Dan can have Craig ... after we got back from the cinema last night - found his eye was all red and swollen ... not sure if he'd been in a fight. So ended up at cat ER and cost me £125 ??????? for a 10min consultation with the vet and eye drops!!! Couldn't have left Craig in pain though .... but £125???? that's his biscuit pocket money gone for ever!! Infact i told him no more nice convenient cans from Whiskas - he can go and find his own food!!
I just went to the fridge to get my water and saw half a choc pudding and half a can of custard (one of my teenagers must have had pudding last night!) on the shelf. I actually got the choc pudding out of the fridge ...........

........ but then put it back and slammed the door shut. Must get next person home to eat it ... they can't do that to me! Arrggghhh!!!
I just went to the fridge to get my water and saw half a choc pudding and half a can of custard (one of my teenagers must have had pudding last night!) on the shelf. I actually got the choc pudding out of the fridge ...........

........ but then put it back and slammed the door shut. Must get next person home to eat it ... they can't do that to me! Arrggghhh!!!

YAY - well done on resisting the evil pud&custard.....ya don't wanna lose that lovely 'pink' ya ??

Keep up the good work Flirty.....just keep busy busy....and AWAY from the fridge !


YAY - well done on resisting the evil pud&custard.....ya don't wanna lose that lovely 'pink' ya ??

Keep up the good work Flirty.....just keep busy busy....and AWAY from the fridge !



It's funny Debz the thought of food was not on my mind when I went to the fridge, I was not hungry ... but when I saw it sitting there for a split second I went back to "well it's there eat it mode"! :eek: :eek: But luckily the good angel was on my shoulder ... :p not that pesky devil! and she asked me whether i wanted to be slim more than I wanted to eat the choc pud and custard? Worked today, but scary how it pops up even when you are not expecting it. :jelous: Will have to speak to kids and OH about NOT leaving left over anythings around!!
Well done on resisting - nothing worse than an unexpected choc pudding & custard creeping up on a girl!

Not worth losing the K fairy for though, only would have tasted nice(ish) for 5 mins too.

Keep up the good work :)
Well you'll be ashamed of me now MD :eek: .... made veg soup for my lot with nice crusty bread .... and had a big bowl of it. :break_diet:

Then if that was not enough had bought them profeterols (sp??) and scoffed some of those too ...:sigh: my devil certainly got the better of my angel tonight:devilangel: really do feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall :banghead: :sigh: :cry:

I kind of know why I've done it ........ will write it all down sometime over the weekend and get it out of my system. Really need to STOP sabotaging my hard work and good efforts. So tomorrow back to packs ..... and plenty of water ... but is also a day I've been dreading all day as OH's daughter is coming for the day ... not seen her properly since Boxing Day - and I know I'm getting myself in a tizzy because of it .............
Then you already know what led to the soup and profiteroles - you are dreading the SD coming down and by 'messing' up foodwise it gives you something else to concentrate on.

You need to refocus on YOURSELF and stop letting this girl mess with your head ;)
Then you already know what led to the soup and profiteroles - you are dreading the SD coming down and by 'messing' up foodwise it gives you something else to concentrate on.

You need to refocus on YOURSELF and stop letting this girl mess with your head ;)

I know I know!! :banghead:
I just wish I knew how???!!! :sigh: :sigh:
I could feel it building up yesterday evening when I found out she was coming (and I do want her to come for my OH's sake) but I didn't sleep properly last night .... and have been in a tizzy all today - :thinking2: :raincloud: :badmood:

Tomorrow is another day though - and if I can get through it unscathed will need to sit down and do some serious head examining ...... really not sure why I'm like this, and how to stop it...... scares me, as most of the rest of my life is good or I'm in control of ....
I know I know!! :banghead:
I just wish I knew how???!!! :sigh: :sigh:
I could feel it building up yesterday evening when I found out she was coming (and I do want her to come for my OH's sake) but I didn't sleep properly last night .... and have been in a tizzy all today - :thinking2: :raincloud: :badmood:

Tomorrow is another day though - and if I can get through it unscathed will need to sit down and do some serious head examining ...... really not sure why I'm like this, and how to stop it...... scares me, as most of the rest of my life is good or I'm in control of ....

It's so hard isn't it... you are in a very difficult place right now (emotionally about OH daughter).. and I can empathise with that. I went out with a chap whose son made my life hell every time I saw him.. didn't matter how lovely I was, or how hard I did or didn't try, didn't matter what his dad said to him.. we just simply did NOT get along.. and it caused a massive problem. Every time he was due to come and stay I wouldn't.. I felt like avoiding conflict was the best option but it hurt the chap and me too! I don't have a solution for you.. I think, for me, it was a case that he felt my relationship with his dad threatened his with his dad.. and the way to protect his was to end mine.. (if you follow).. he wasn't a bad lad or anything.. he was a child in fear of losing his dad even more than he had the years earlier when he had left him with his mother. In time I would think it might have improved, but I never got that opportunity. I used to work myself up into such a state I was almost sick if I knew we were spending a weekend together. In the end (before the relationship ended) I used to suggest he and his dad go out and do stuff together, just the 2 of them.. this pleased the son but not the dad.. I couldn't win.. lol. I do think, in time, as this young girl accepts that you are here to stay and that she has no power over you, things will improve. For all of you.

I know you have tried so hard with her.. but I remember being a young girl and that was hard enough without having to share my dad with a woman who wasn't my mum.. so you are both in a tough place really.

Not sure if any of this is of any help, when really, what I should just have said was.. I know what you are going through and just want you to know you are in my thoughts:vibes: and prayers for an amicable and peaceful time for all of you.

Very hard to try not to let it make you veer wildly off course.. just need to find a different way than food to help you honey. (drugs? ;) ) just kidding!!!!! Mind you.. you could try slipping some mood-enhancing stuff into her dinner ;) ;) ;) lol sorry.. just don't know what else to say to make you feel any better and less apprehensive.
