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Hiya Bev
Sorry to hear you're struggling, step-children can be such a difficult thing to cope with. I get on very well with mine now, they're grown up 19 & 17, and even when I first met DH both children got on well with me & my DD, which was very lucky, but it wasn't always plain sailing and I did use to find the weekends very difficult and stressful at times, so I really do feel for you, especially as you have the added stress of her making it so difficult for you.
You know why you ate extra and you know that that's not the answer, you don't need telling, and it's one of those things that you could go round & round for ever trying to sort out or solve. You were stressed, anxious & you ate, it doesn't mean you're out of control, it happens and will happen again. Knowing the reason why you ate, even if you don't feel you can control it, is better than just eating for the sake of it. Sometimes it's easier to give in & eat & almost have one less thing to worry about, but don't beat yourself up about it, no-ones asking you to be perfect & you shouldn't expect yourself to be either.
I hope the weekend goes alright for you & itsn't too stressful. Take care & a big hug :hug99:
Sorry to hear you're struggling, step-children can be such a difficult thing to cope with. I get on very well with mine now, they're grown up 19 & 17, and even when I first met DH both children got on well with me & my DD, which was very lucky, but it wasn't always plain sailing and I did use to find the weekends very difficult and stressful at times, so I really do feel for you, especially as you have the added stress of her making it so difficult for you.
You know why you ate extra and you know that that's not the answer, you don't need telling, and it's one of those things that you could go round & round for ever trying to sort out or solve. You were stressed, anxious & you ate, it doesn't mean you're out of control, it happens and will happen again. Knowing the reason why you ate, even if you don't feel you can control it, is better than just eating for the sake of it. Sometimes it's easier to give in & eat & almost have one less thing to worry about, but don't beat yourself up about it, no-ones asking you to be perfect & you shouldn't expect yourself to be either.
I hope the weekend goes alright for you & itsn't too stressful. Take care & a big hug :hug99: