Week 6, Day 5
Feeling pretty hopeless today

I have a mammoth day in work, been overloaded with customers/patients... I never look forward to work, but if there was ever a day I'd have the balls to throw a sickie, it'd be today
B: 28g Ready Brek (B) 150ml Semi Skimmed Milk (Most of A) Jam (1)
S: Apple
L: 2 x Mini Quiche - Bacon, Mushroom, Onion, Egg, Cheese (Rest of A - 1 x A made 6, so I think this is right) with Salad - Leaves, Tomato, Onion, Cucumber, Red Cabbage, Carrot, 2 x little fat free Activia (Cherry, Blueberry) Melon, Pineapple and Strawberries
S: 2 x Yellow Plums
Ended up staying late tonight! Working 9-7pm, Bleh!!
D: Chicken, Mushroom, Onion and Broccoli, in Gravy (2) with Boiled Rice
Wine Gums (5ish) B*llocks, quite frankly!! Why, oh why do I do it?!
Fluids: Water
Syns: 8... Pah!
But just for Nikki... My Lunch! (There was 2 but 1 accidentally got eated)
x x