My letter to the bi'atch... just faxed!
Further to my discussions yesterday, I confirm that I will call in on Friday 22 December to collect my final wage cheque and also my final expenses, details are as follows:
Final Wage cheque – Approximately £****.00 after tax
Following my discussions with the tax office and citizens advice this week, obviously since I, in accordance with my contract, gave the full four weeks notice, they confirmed that I would pay tax for the company car on my P11D right up until my official last day of the 29 December. Since I have heard nothing to the contrary in writing or otherwise from yourselves with regards to my finish date I can only assume that you have honoured my complete four weeks notice as given by myself, in which case, as you are demanding that the car is returned a full week early a full weeks tax is therefore due to be paid back to myself, therefore I would expect that the final wage may be slightly higher than the amount stated above.
I have not received my expense cheques from week-ending 8 December and week-ending 15 December, these together with the expenses from week-ending 22 December, minus the £250 float are detailed below. Due to the lateness of these expenses being paid I would appreciate cash, however, should this be too difficult then I will have to settle for a cheque to be available on my arrival on Friday.
Expenses week-ending 8 December (posted 06/12/06)
Diesel £35.00
Diesel £54.00
Total £89.00
Expenses week-ending 15 December (posted 13/12/06)
Diesel £ 51.00
Diesel £ 49.00
Accom £ 30.00
Accom £ 25.00
Stamps £ 1.92
Coffee £ 2.35
Coffee £ 2.35
Total £161.62
Expenses week-ending 22 December (form attached, receipts will be brought in on Friday personally)
Total £188.44
Total Value of expenses for last three weeks = £439.06
Minus £250.00 float = £189.06
(Cash or cheque to be available for collection together with wages on Friday 22 December.)
I would be most grateful if you could have my wage cheque and expenses available for me on my arrival, I have requested a lift to the train station, to enable me to get to the bank in time to get these paid in before Christmas. I will be delivering the car back to the office on Friday 22nd, together with the fax machine, mobile phone, any sales documents – such as visit reports, business cards, my sales plan together with information that I have collated whilst working with ***********, this - may be useful for whomever you recruit, laptop and as mentioned to Jim, a few bottles and calendars that I never had time to deliver – will mark up whom they were for to enable them to be delivered in the New Year.
I trust the above is acceptable and fair.
Further to my discussions yesterday, I confirm that I will call in on Friday 22 December to collect my final wage cheque and also my final expenses, details are as follows:
Final Wage cheque – Approximately £****.00 after tax
Following my discussions with the tax office and citizens advice this week, obviously since I, in accordance with my contract, gave the full four weeks notice, they confirmed that I would pay tax for the company car on my P11D right up until my official last day of the 29 December. Since I have heard nothing to the contrary in writing or otherwise from yourselves with regards to my finish date I can only assume that you have honoured my complete four weeks notice as given by myself, in which case, as you are demanding that the car is returned a full week early a full weeks tax is therefore due to be paid back to myself, therefore I would expect that the final wage may be slightly higher than the amount stated above.
I have not received my expense cheques from week-ending 8 December and week-ending 15 December, these together with the expenses from week-ending 22 December, minus the £250 float are detailed below. Due to the lateness of these expenses being paid I would appreciate cash, however, should this be too difficult then I will have to settle for a cheque to be available on my arrival on Friday.
Expenses week-ending 8 December (posted 06/12/06)
Diesel £35.00
Diesel £54.00
Total £89.00
Expenses week-ending 15 December (posted 13/12/06)
Diesel £ 51.00
Diesel £ 49.00
Accom £ 30.00
Accom £ 25.00
Stamps £ 1.92
Coffee £ 2.35
Coffee £ 2.35
Total £161.62
Expenses week-ending 22 December (form attached, receipts will be brought in on Friday personally)
Total £188.44
Total Value of expenses for last three weeks = £439.06
Minus £250.00 float = £189.06
(Cash or cheque to be available for collection together with wages on Friday 22 December.)
I would be most grateful if you could have my wage cheque and expenses available for me on my arrival, I have requested a lift to the train station, to enable me to get to the bank in time to get these paid in before Christmas. I will be delivering the car back to the office on Friday 22nd, together with the fax machine, mobile phone, any sales documents – such as visit reports, business cards, my sales plan together with information that I have collated whilst working with ***********, this - may be useful for whomever you recruit, laptop and as mentioned to Jim, a few bottles and calendars that I never had time to deliver – will mark up whom they were for to enable them to be delivered in the New Year.
I trust the above is acceptable and fair.