Yep there was nothing to report.. today though I can report that i'm back down to 12 stone 10lbs after my 1lb gain after xmas day.... and I still have 3 full days to weigh in day on Monday... so hopefully I will lose at least 1 or 2lbs by then!!!!!
Sticking to the diet like xmas day never happened, although i do think I am craving more things than normal.. mainly full blown meals rather than snacks!! I have urge to cook stuff!!! Not gonna like.. no point.. I mean Buster is cute and v deserving.. but he ain't having a gourmet meal!!!!
Went to see The Holiday yesterday, went on my own, due to not having any spontaneous mates... they all need written notice in triplicate to leave the house... and thats just to motivate themselves.. not like they have BFs or anything! Anyway I find going to the cinema on my own quite fun really.. especially when not eating, coz i don't have to sit next to any friends stuffing their faces with B&J ice cream!! Film was really good, total chick flick, Cameron Diaz is one of my favourite actresses.. shes so amusing... sickeningly beautiful and skinny like, but v amusing!!
Also went to the gym yesterday, did some CV then my toning weight program.. felt wonderful when I'd finished..
After the cinema I went and bought some dvds with my HMV vouchers, bought Dylan Moran 2006 tour (My fave comedian after Lee Evans), Me and you and everyone else (or something like that.. its a film and is compared to lost in translation) and Erin Brockovich.. which I've never seen - watched it last night, v damn good!
Now i'm trying to make up my mind whether to go to the gym or not.. should do as tattoo will give me an enforced break after tomorrow