Sorry, Gail,
I neglected to answer your question. Not sure about the Apple Guru - is that your way of calling me an old fruit?
I'm not an expert on Apple, it just "happened" that I hated their products, or more specifically Itunes so much, I became obsessed with them!
I bought the 120Gb Ipod Classic - this houses thousands of photos and over 6000 singles collected from 1960-2005 - great storage. I then purchased an Ipod Touch - a lovely bit of kit, and wireless too - meaning as well as being able to use apps, I can surf online as long as I have wifi. A great little toy.
Soon realised the Touch is great - until you're out of wifi range! SO I needed something that would work and that meant the Iphone4 was next on the list! - you see the pattern and I must be an ad-man's dream! - the iphone4 means i can go online and receive emails even in the countryside, middle of nowhere (as long as there's a phone signal of course). It also gives free wifi where available (hotspots, Macdonalds, BK, Subway etc,)
All well and good, but since I started wearing contact lenses, my eyes struggle close up - so the smaller screen was an issue. Hence the purchase yesterday of the Ipad 2. It is basically a large-screened Ipod touch. Superb facilities for internet, browsing, apps, email and unbelievable quality for watching movies.
So long as your eyes are fine close-up the Iphone can be recommended (The current model is fine) however, the phones from HTC are also excellent (I have owned one) and many people like the Android system and prefer it to itunes! - just to add another to the mix- there's Blackberry! Blackberry has its own system again and fewer apps.
Blackberry are more for business imo, (but not exclusively so) Iphone 4 is all Apple -this annoys some people. The HTC phones are great, usually cheaper and a better contract rate.
Most important though is the fact you can send and receive emails as well as operate minimins from your phone - either wirelessly or via 3g/telephone. The issue isn't so much which smartphone do I get?, but more You MUST get a smartphone!
Best deal I got was £35 per month for 18 months - a tad expensive but to renew I can do it for 10-15 a month (keeping my phone). I may take another phone either android or blackberry at a cheaper rate. I know Virgin Media offered me a Blackberry for £10 per month!
I love Apple stuff, but appreciate not everyone does.
Sorry to be a gadget bore on here

PM if you need any specifics, Gail