Oooh... have you been to the cinema or are you going later? What to see?!
Hey great food diaries... I have noticed like last year y were having 4 laughing co squares and for a hex a it is 5... I love them so wouldn't wanna miss out. Although you may have found out since then I apologise if you have! Keep up the good work and great posts! Xx
Week 72- Day 6 (Sun)- Extra Easy- Day off.

Breakfast-10am- 3 egg omlette with onion and 28g cheddar (HEXa).

1pm- A choc deluxe HIFI bar (HEXb). Some fresh pineapple chunks. 4 fizzy apple sweets (4 syns).

4pm- Small portion of five spice steak with peppers (leftovers- see Fri). Boiled basmati rice.

Tea- 9pm- Red pesto chicken with olives (from my 'Wok' cookbook!- Chicken breasts, chopped red and yellow pepper, courgette, garlic, white wine (1 syn), chicken stock, tomato puree (0.5 syns), red pesto (2.5 syns), low fat creme fraiche (1.5 syns), olives (0.5 syn), fresh basil). Served with tagliatelle. A New York Cheesecake Mullerlight (1 syn).

Skimmed milk in 3 coffees (0.5 syns).

Total syns 11.5

Definately going to give that red pesto chicken a go. How much red pesto is that 2.5syns?

Never mind Saturday you are back on track now and that is the main thing. x
LittleSausage said:
Oooh... have you been to the cinema or are you going later? What to see?!

The Adjustment Bureau! Just about to meet my pals! I'll let u know my verdict! X
Oooh... have you been to the cinema or are you going later? What to see?!

Hi hun, so I saw The Adjustment Bureau and quite enjoyed it! I wouldn't say I was blown away, but it was good acting by Matt Damon and Emily Blunt and the concept of the film was very clever and interesting! And I can't knock a good love story!!X
Definately going to give that red pesto chicken a go. How much red pesto is that 2.5syns?

Never mind Saturday you are back on track now and that is the main thing. x

Hiya luv!! So you've seen my comment on The Adjustment Bureau! Worth seeing!! The red pesto chicken was really lovely! The red pesto is 2.5 syns per tablespoon, as opposed to the green which is 4! So not bad!! The dish isn't exactly very low syn but you could swap the creme fraiche for fat free yogurt to reduce synnage a bit!! Thanks for the words of support, I gained 1.5lb!! Kicking myself but at least I know where that's come from this week so not going to let it get me down!!! X
Hey Hev!! Finally found your diary!! Thought id post so that it pops up in my favs :) Xx

Hey Pesty, welcome to my diary!! If there was a kettle here I'd flick it on and make us a cuppa!! I gained 1.5lb this week so now 10.5lb to go instead of 9lb!! Boo hoo!!! Hope you're OK hunXXX
good luck for weigh in tonight,youl be fine,we all have these mlittle blips,ive been having them for te last 6 months lol,good luck x

Thanks hun! Yeh fed up I gained 1.5 lb but at least I know why!! This time it WAS deserved! Hopefully I'll zap some lbs next week as I have a pretty clear week ahead! Really need to focus and be organised! I'm going to try my best to have 1/3 if not 1/2 superfree with as many meals as poss and not snack on anything that's not fruit or HEXs!! Wonder if I can stick to that?!! How's your week going?X
OK so I GAINED 1.5 lb this week!! Disappointed, I'm not going to pretend I'm not!! But I can see the bigger picture, feeling pretty good about myself and enjoying my clothes so it's really not the end of the world! I just need something to focus on to help motivate me towards target!! Whilst I'm not unhappy with how I look feel at the moment, I really would like to see some progress soon!X
hey babe,

unlucky about the gain but i would think that it is probably food weight as the chinese wouldnt have been light and it was so close to WI.

Im sure you will get that off by next week and as you said now that you've been to WI you know where you are and dont have to worry about what damage has been done you can move forward and get that off by next week

I agree with pesty!! Food weight from the Chinese!!! I think u need to sit back and reflect on how well u have done since starting sw and be proud of your achievements!

Keep going Hun it ALWAYS comes back off xxxx
Oh no! So sorry about your gain... like others before me have said, I bet it's just food weight!
I'm going to try the 'fishy week' next week - it seems people have consistently good losses, and so one week every month or so would probably be a good idea for me.
Fingers crossed for your next WI :)
Thanx gang! I know you're right, although events earlier in the week probably added to it too if I'm honest! Right, best foot forward this week! No eating rubbish, superfree amd superspeed all the way, and Lil Sausage, I may just give the fishy idea a go! A girl in my class swears on fish & peas! X
aaw funcurls,never mind ,i agree with everyone else and itl soon be off this week.good idea about 1/2 ss,i might try that,i figured for the last 3 months or so im hovering around and i really need a big loss,been ok this week but wel see on sat.
you have done amazingly well so far,just think how far youve heaviest was 15 st 5lb just after i had my 2nd son,hes now just turned 7 and im now 11st 9lb ,so when i look at it like that i feel proud.keep the good work going and il be eargerly reading your diary,might pinch some meal ideas ,lol,x
Just checking in - you'll have that pesky pound and a bit off next week and then some - I know you will xx