Thanks guys for the good vibes, but sadly I STS! Gutted because 3 weeks ago I was 1lb lighter, the last 2 weeks I have largely blamed *week and after a 100% week I honestly believed it would be a good loss, so yes I am disappointed! I actually threw my SW book down in anger/frustration this morning and needed counselling from dh! Clairey I know how you feel! On, off, on, off! But we WILL keep soldiering on and we WILL get there! XxX
Ellebear said:throwing books Funcurls!!!! OMFG do not make me come and tell you the SW patterns you have!hope The Pup sorted you out my lovely xxx
Ellebear said:I am glad the Diva strop has ceased - i was wondering what demands would be next - Mineral water baths, and getting someone to remove the syns from All foods!!!
Glad The Pup was there to reason with the Diva in you!i think you need to get it all in perspective - as tough as that sounds - you have done staggeringly well.
You exercise - lots - its fabulous - but exercise only helps to lose an additional 1-2lbs a month more than healthy eating (my C told me this stat!)
You eat very good foods -and are on EE - i think mixing it up a little might jolt your body - reduce the carbs by doing Red days, then a green day for your carb fix, then EE - i bet a week of total change will deliver a loss.
Drink water? do you drink lots???? I have not had any yet so cant preach on this one today!!!
Speed foods - 4 a day please. From now on. Marked clearly in the food diary in a nice bright colour
Syns - are these being used wisely?? what do you have your syns on? time for a switch on this too?
HEA and HEB - this week, have 2 new choices on each!!!!
There you go - Hev's plan of action - now i want the RESULTS!!! xxx
Meli said:Good advice from Ellebear!
Don't let that STS get you down, it should motivate you to just keep pushing harder. Don't think about touching the biscuit or chocolates in frustration as that will only make you feel better temporarily and not in the long run--trust me!!!
see,theres a lovely sounding tea,i would of never of thought of that,how you feeling doing a red day,are you hungry?
why not use HEB choice number 2 and have some frylight potato wedges to go with your dinner tonight?? xxx
Ooh could do Elle!! Actually I have a few left over cooked Jersey new potatoes in a bowl in the fridge! Maybe I'll have these warmed through or frylighted!! So I can have 198g right?! I need to read my book again which I think will be really good for me! Thanks!! Please could you check through and see if my red day otherwise looks OK to you? It's not finished yet, I may have a bit more fruit X
Well tears of laughter are now flowing down my face.....whilst work colleagues look on in surprise!! Your comments about the size of your sausage etcwhat are you like!!!
I can only reiterate everything that has been said hunny, those last 8lbs will be the most trying and hardest but inevitabley the most rewarding at the end.
You have achieved so very much and don't focus on those STS and odd gains but the journey that has brought you to only 8lb from goal. I don't think at the start of the journey you ever dreamed it was actually possibly, we all hope to achieve what you have and your are an inspiration to many.
Bigs hugs Heather((()))