B: Magic Porridge - 35g porridge (HEB)
L: Super speed Soup, x5 scan bran (HEB), orange
D: Jacket Potato, 30g cheddar (HEA), salad
250ml Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA)
Packet of sugar snap peas (snacked on these all day), melon & pineapple
I was really hungry on the evening so I had some scrambled egg about 9pm x4 eggs and packet of velvet crunch (4 syns)
Haha me too, can make anything with them, and well I am trying to eat more protein anyone got any nice plans this weekend? Another alcohol free one for me, I'm home alone as my Mam and her partner are in Mexico for two weeks (jammy sods!!) so I can just chill and try and cram lots of exercise in as well as some visits to the hospital, much better going on a weekend as I don't get home until late when I go after work. Going to try and have a good sort out I can't move in my wardrobe so I think it's time to whack some things on ebay, will all contribute to my holiday spending moeny too I suppose so a right old boring weekend ahead!x
Well it did not end up going to plan at all I ended up going out Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday!! I have a very sore head today had a total blowout too ate and drank far too much rubbish!x
I know I'm bloody terrible, it's never the food that bothers me it's always alcohol that is my total downfall but if I didn't have my social life I think I would crack up being
young(ishhh!!), free and single it's all about going out and having a good laugh, but you do only live once I suppose I was actually still quite disciplined with my food I made eveyone pizzas and served it up and I didn't eat any of it shame I can't say the same about the wine oooops!x
Haha we are all allowed to enjoy ourself so dont worry about it welldone on the pizza!! I was nibbling crisps at my mates at weekend she had out but didn't touch the nibble Indian food (pakora etc)
Had a terrible day yesterday ended up eating 2 packets of crisps and a chinese takeaway arghhhh so annoyed with myself especially because I thought my holiday was 4 weeks on Thursday and it's only actually 3 weeks!! Superspeed soup for me the next few days and zero syns hopefully I can pull it back....
Have to admit I'm getting very fed up with SS soup now, think when I put the scan bran in broken up it makes it too thick and sickly to eat, so going back to the drawing board as I don't mind scan bran with tuna on so that's the plan the next few days.
I really don't mind it topped with something, I like it with sliced banana usually after my dinner as I feel like I'm getting something sweet! I'm trying to stick with the scan bran up until holiday though as I know it works for me! It's also handy for luch at work x
B: 35g Porridge (HEB), 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA)
L: x5 scan bran (HEB), cooked ham and tomatoes, apple & orange
D: tuna, red onion, mushroom and pepper SW Quiche with a serving of salad
Alpen Light (3 syns)