Gemma's Diary Mixed Days - red, green, EE - new to EE advice welcome

Food plan is looking fab x

Thanks hun!x

Ok plan for today - Thursday 15/08/2013 - RED DAY:

B: 35g Porridge (HEB), 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA), jam (2 syns)
L: x5 scan bran (HEB), small tuna salad and slice of leftover SW quiche from last night
D: White fish (pollock) curry and cauliflower rice and see what other veggies I can throw in....
Curly Wurly (6 syns) - currently enjoying very much.... :D
Carrot sticks, apple and orange
Friday 16/08/2013 - GREEN DAY:

PLan for today:

B: x2 Wholemeal toast 400g loaf (HEB), jam (2 syns), x2 Alpen Lights (HEB)
L: Batchelor's Chicken and Mushroom Pasta n Sauce, cheese (HEA) Salad
D: Can of mixed bean salad, red pepper, red onion, soya sauce and noodles
250ml Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA), Carrot sticks

Have zero food in the house, can't wait for my shopping to come in the morning!!
Hi gemma
Here to sub. I had been doing ee for 11 weeks and my leader says to try red days. So I thought if I sub you I can see if I'm doing it right.
I think I am !! Lol
Morning all! Well had a very lovely chilled out weekend and was 100% on plan and even managed to cram in lots of exercise and a good 5 mile walk, feel great today!

Saturday 17/08/2013 - RED DAY:

B: x2 weetabix (HEB), 250ml Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA)
L: Turkey salad, shape apple crumble yoghurt (0.5 syns)
D: x2 wholemeal toast (HEB), 30g cheddar (HEA), scrambled egg and cooked ham. Red grapes & natural yoghurt
Nectarine, orange, carrot sticks, mullerlight, homemade mocha (9 syns)

Sunday 18/08/2013 - RED DAY:

B: Magic Porridge (HEB)
L: Beef salad, mullerlight, nectarine
D: Quorn sausage (3 syns), tomato, mushroom and 30g cheddar (HEA) Omelette
250ml Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA)
Shape Crumble yoghurt x2 (1 syn), carrots, Mullerlight, Red grapes.