Gen's CD Diary... Day 185... gonna give SS another bash!!

Issy you are soooooooooooo being watched!! And believe me i can be one bossy lady hahahaha (if you give me permission of course!).

Well guys i'm off to have a lovely weekend and then back to basics on monday!! i'm off on monday so won't be here till tuesday on day 2 of my final cd journey!!

thanks for all ur kindness and boots up the bum hee hee

chat soon


Gen xx
Hey guys

well unfortunately today is NOT day 2 for me... my plan was going brill until last night at 9:15 my chatterbox got the better of me and i gave in... can't believe i gave in soooo late. really not sure what i'm afraid of by giving cd a good go but i know i'll get there!!

i even had a bit of a run in with a mate of mine yesterday early on in the day and thought about eating but then said no way is one person or anyone for that matter gonna sabotage my cd plan, anyone except me that is...., anyway made up with her, actually had 4 packs yesterday and all just to get me through and then BAM!.. my chatterbox was telling me to get a bottle of wine and a chinese... my lazy ass was saying just drink the bottle of beer in the fridge and order a chinese so my lazy ass won but i did only have one beer and only put out half the chinese and threw the rest in the bin and i have to say that was thee most controlled i have been in a while so thats something maybe???? maybe not eh...

ah well didn't start again today but i have to soon cos my trousers are all starting to get a bit uncomfortable and i really don't feel as good in my lovely new clothes as i had done so that should be an incentive enough.............

i know i just need to put my foot (i actually typed food there instead of foot eeeek) down with myself and just do it but god i'm finding it bloody hard

i just don't know..............


gen xx
Oi lady - I started yesterday cos I thought you'd have a right pop at me if I didn't lol!!!!!!! Honest - I kid you not!

So I'm 5lbs lighter - whoohooo!!!!

Right then - what have you eaten today? Whatever it is - get loads of water down you and have your 3 packs over the course of the day. By tomorrow, you'll be weeing for Ireland and ready to start properly!

What do you say, kidda??

Let's do this together, dietbuddy!!!

You dont have dicontinue the SS even if you ate last night. Just carry on as normal this morning. This was/(still is) my downfall and look where it got me. If everytime we stray from our path, we decide that 'we might as well eat', we will never get to our goal. You have done extremely well so far and wso what if you fell at the last hurdle, just pick up yourself and continue ssing girl.

With you losing all that weight, i feel like the student giving lecture to the teacher.. ehehe

Dust off and pick up yourself
Oi lady - I started yesterday cos I thought you'd have a right pop at me if I didn't lol!!!!!!! Honest - I kid you not!

So I'm 5lbs lighter - whoohooo!!!!

Right then - what have you eaten today? Whatever it is - get loads of water down you and have your 3 packs over the course of the day. By tomorrow, you'll be weeing for Ireland and ready to start properly!

What do you say, kidda??

Let's do this together, dietbuddy!!!

Hiya Honey

i feel like a very bold child and am desperately trying to ignore your post, how very flipping silly of me!!!

anyway your words have got under my skin and i have just gone out got myself a pint of water and am glugging away... i have eaten a rasher sandwich on white bread this morning and had a milky tea (the shame... of the milky tea lol)... i am meeting a friend for lunch and had fully intended on eating but now i'm not so sure.... i always feel that i can't start ss'ing in the middle of a day???? see all or fecking nothing....

ok so i'm gonna go to the lunch with a very open mind and hopefully not eat.... everyone is very supportive of me not eating so there is no problems there!

5lb down you lucky thing!!! the last time i ss'd... i lost 6lb in 2 days!!! was sooo chuffed then just gave bloody in thinking 'ah sure i can do that again'??? which i know i can but it ain't gonna do itself and i'm very aware of that....

thanks for your post girl it has really got me thinking...


Gen xx

You dont have dicontinue the SS even if you ate last night. Just carry on as normal this morning. This was/(still is) my downfall and look where it got me. If everytime we stray from our path, we decide that 'we might as well eat', we will never get to our goal. You have done extremely well so far and wso what if you fell at the last hurdle, just pick up yourself and continue ssing girl.

With you losing all that weight, i feel like the student giving lecture to the teacher.. ehehe

Dust off and pick up yourself

Thank you so much for your post and believe me girl doesn't matter how much i lose i'm always gonna be a student ha ha

you are right what you say about just dusting urself off and keep on going, thats exactly the mindset i have to get back into..... any tips lol lol

how are you doing now???

Gen xx
Come on girlfriend, you've done it before and you can do it again!! The worse feeling in the world is when your new clothes get too tight on you - i'm starting to feel that with some of my beautiful new dresses - it's a terrible terrible feeling and it's what's keeping my on track so far this week.

Crikey i could so easily go up the chip shop and order pie and chips - i'm all alone working from home and noone would know - well except me and that just ain't gonna happen today!! I love looking and feeling great - and no food in the world is worth destroying that.

So hun, write down a list of reasons you want to stay slim/get even more slimmer and then write down your reasons for not sticking with the diet. Maybe seeing it in black and white will do the trick - then stick it on your fridge or by the phone you use to call the chinese order in!!!!

Come on you, or i'll be on the next aer lingus flight to kick your sorry ass!!!
was just looking at how many days i have done on this crazy journey and realised i had let my counter slip... ahhh now that really is not good so off i went and counted up the days and its 157 days since i started........... my weight when i started was 16stone exactly and i got down to 12st 4lb and this morning i was 13st 2lb!!!!! **** sake i really do need to write all this down so i know its not fiction cos before i know it, if i don't get my act together, i will be back at fucking 16stone.... over my dead body!!!

gen xx
I am doing good now. I will get weighed tonight. I was just thinking: if everytime i fall, i dont get up, i will always stay down. A good tip was just given by Justin who lost 61lbs in 10weeks. He made sense really. Read it there.

My problem is that i am pysically unable to stop myself when i eat. So I stay away from the kitchen and sometimes away from home. It is the only way this diet will work for me. I am not strong enough.

Isobel has done well. Be jealous of her :) I have a friend who is doing this diet with me. One week she lost 12lbs. I got so jealous that i have tried to do everthing right (exercise, eating the packs, drinking all of 4litre) and i lost 8lbs that week. Then on the same WI, i found out my friend only lost 5lbs the week before and not 12lbs. The CDC recorded it wrong on my friend's sheet and but recorded right on her papers.
was just looking at how many days i have done on this crazy journey and realised i had let my counter slip... ahhh now that really is not good so off i went and counted up the days and its 157 days since i started........... my weight when i started was 16stone exactly and i got down to 12st 4lb and this morning i was 13st 2lb!!!!! **** sake i really do need to write all this down so i know its not fiction cos before i know it, if i don't get my act together, i will be back at fucking 16stone.... over my dead body!!!

gen xx

This is EXACTLY what you need to focus on - you're in the same boat as me - 12lbs up!! It's not the end of the world BUT it is time to take action - DO NOT LET IT GET WORSE!!!

What's your plan?
Gen- you have been such a great encouragement to me, look at all the weight you have lost already, you can do this again, you can get back into it you just need to find that place inside yourself...

I think I am like you though, I too find evenings & weekends really hard but I am just trying to keep occupied & my mind off food- think of all the tactics you used before to get where you are now... try to tap into them again... they worked before & the certainly can work again...

I'm PMing you my mobile number so you can text me anytime you feel like eating, I am only just down the road from you so not too far for an 'intervention' if necessary lol!!!

Be strong, stay focused & positive & get the water into you!!

I know you can do it!
Hey Gen - hope you're enjoying meeting your friend and haven't felt too despondant!!

Most of that 5lbs I lost since yesterday was water and indeed the other stuff lol (you always knew I was full of sh*t hahahahahahahha) - which continues as we speak (sort

Get back in the saddle, honey - you know it makes sense. To continue to eat and put on weight will only make you feel worse. Be kind to yourself and take control. Easier said than done, I know - truly I know - but I'm feeling well pleased with my bad self now and want to push onwards and downwards!!

lots of love
well guys i went (out to lunch that is), i met my friend and i drank black tea.... she wasn't eating either but as we walked in the door, before she said she wasn't eating, she asked was i and i said no i'll just have a black tea!!! yay me!!! can't say it will continue cos i'm pmt-ish at the moment and feeling quite hormonal so might just be a bad day to start... aren't they all i hear you cry!!! i'm taking it minute by minute to be honest and thats all i can do today but i'm getting there slowly but surely.... the food looked so good in the cafe we went to and my god all my friends are just so god damn supportive!!
What's your plan?

dont' really have a plan at the moment i'm a bit hormonal and stuff so gonna just take it minute by minute for the day and see how that goes... i didn't eat at lunch time so i do WANT to get back on the wagon!!!

the trousers i have on today are my small 16's and were getting really big on me and now they are kinda tight around the midrif.... i actually wasn't going to wear them this morning cos they would be uncomfortable but ya know what i said that is exactly what i needed to do to keep my head in CD mode!!! every time i feel them tight it reminds me what i have to do!!! i don't have any bigger clothes so i can't dig them out thanks be to god!!!

thanks for all the support it really does mean soooo much


Gen xx
Gen i think you need a change of mindset honeybun. You regularly say i'm not sure if i can do it but i'll take it minute by minute/hour by hour. This will ensure failure!! You need to say I can do it/I will do it - it makes all the difference. As soon as you allow any possibility for eating, you will eat.
Gen- you have been such a great encouragement to me, look at all the weight you have lost already, you can do this again, you can get back into it you just need to find that place inside yourself...

I think I am like you though, I too find evenings & weekends really hard but I am just trying to keep occupied & my mind off food- think of all the tactics you used before to get where you are now... try to tap into them again... they worked before & the certainly can work again...

I'm PMing you my mobile number so you can text me anytime you feel like eating, I am only just down the road from you so not too far for an 'intervention' if necessary lol!!!

Be strong, stay focused & positive & get the water into you!!

I know you can do it!

Hiya Anna

Well done on your fabulous 12lb loss, that is absolutely amazing and you should be crazy proud of yourself!!! you really are in the zone girl so keep with it!!

thanks for your mobile number... i'm just about to put it into my phone and i'll text you so you have my number and if you need any support or are just feeling low just text away!!!

i really am trying to get back on track and i know i will cos i really want to!!

thanks for your post girl


Gen xx
Hey Gen - hope you're enjoying meeting your friend and haven't felt too despondant!!

Most of that 5lbs I lost since yesterday was water and indeed the other stuff lol (you always knew I was full of sh*t hahahahahahahha) - which continues as we speak (sort

Get back in the saddle, honey - you know it makes sense. To continue to eat and put on weight will only make you feel worse. Be kind to yourself and take control. Easier said than done, I know - truly I know - but I'm feeling well pleased with my bad self now and want to push onwards and downwards!!

lots of love

thanks for that isobel!!


Gen xx
Gen i think you need a change of mindset honeybun. You regularly say i'm not sure if i can do it but i'll take it minute by minute/hour by hour. This will ensure failure!! You need to say I can do it/I will do it - it makes all the difference. As soon as you allow any possibility for eating, you will eat.

you are soooo fucking right, ya know that!! that just slapped me like a wet fish in the chops!!!