Excited about the new me!
Doc called and suggested more pills for Rhys's (sons) migraines and that was it.. I didn't like that he just left it, so I asked for some tests to be done. He said he'd write out a form to take to hosp for blood test, at least that was better then nothing. So will take him after college later.
Diet wise, I felt so motivated this morn, then came out of school from work at lunch time and automaticly went to Tesco.. got some Ham and ate it, lol.. :8855:I don't know why I did that.
My colleague in the office, when I came back, has been doing LL and she has lost over 4 stone
now since Jan.. amazing, she looks brilliant. Asked how I was getting on, usually I would avoid that question, but hey.. what the heck, so owns up, to my gain.. she laughed and said that it would come off next week. She's right, as it will, but it just sadens me, more jealousy :jelous: too I think that she has done so well and is now given me advice..:sigh: silly me!!
Hey ho!!
Diet wise, I felt so motivated this morn, then came out of school from work at lunch time and automaticly went to Tesco.. got some Ham and ate it, lol.. :8855:I don't know why I did that.
My colleague in the office, when I came back, has been doing LL and she has lost over 4 stone
Hey ho!!