Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

stayed the bloody same this week ,how annoying is that.didnt expect that at all

Aww chick :( I'm sure it will show next week as I know how good you've been xx

Keep up the fab work - you will get there.

Are you eating enough? This was pointed out to me lots last week but I can't help it if I just eat my 3 meals a day :confused: I'm trying to eat in between now as many people have said "the more I eat the more I lose" :rolleyes:
I don't know what the answer is hun ... but it is better to kick start the ole metabolism as early as possible :confused:

I'm the same as you ... would rather hold back on a HEB but sometimes before going to work I have weetabix, banana & milk OR I have a banana, Activia yogurt and other fruit staggered through the morning.

One thing I hate is having syns too early in the day - really frustrates me! :mad:
yeah,same as me,i dont mind having my a choice for dinner,like cheese/milk but i love my b choice in the evening ,may seem silly but it feels like a treat when i have my cereal bar or toast in the evening.it saves me using too many syns. this is how i feel @!?*$!$@?, that means somthing really rude which probably wouldent print any way,i have now had mc donalds half a burger and a lattee and im still gonna have a chinese tonight....i still cant beleive that the 1st week i started this week properly i lost 2lb and that included a indian takeaway , grrrrr,hey perhaps i should have more takeaways,lol,
yeah,same as me,i dont mind having my a choice for dinner,like cheese/milk but i love my b choice in the evening ,may seem silly but it feels like a treat when i have my cereal bar or toast in the evening.it saves me using too many syns. this is how i feel @!?*$!$@?, that means somthing really rude which probably wouldent print any way,i have now had mc donalds half a burger and a lattee and im still gonna have a chinese tonight....i still cant beleive that the 1st week i started this week properly i lost 2lb and that included a indian takeaway , grrrrr,hey perhaps i should have more takeaways,lol,

There may be something in that hun ... others seem to get away with it :rolleyes:

A girl's gotta live :D
just bought one of these


mega big fry up now for me in the mornings,could do scrambled eggs,omelette,ooh the possibilities
thanks,back on track today,im not gonna have syns till fri cos im going to weatherspoons for a meal but im gonna try my dam hardest to have just diet coke and im going to have the quorn chilli which is only 4.5 syns.
it gets hard though cos next fri is my birthday and my mums is the following wed so we going out for a meal next sat eve and the place is definatley not sw friendly,then the sunday is fathers day,another day out not sw friendly then im on me hols for a week so definatley not sworlding there.
BUT,when i come home ive got nowt planned and have a wedding to go to in october so do you think i could get to the 10s by then?i hope so
right here goes...


breakfast - fresh fruit salad,apple,plum,strawberries,kiwi + shape yogurt

slice of ham

dinner - ham/egg small quiches,lettuce,grapes,red onion,radish,tomato,cucumber,carrot,sping onion

tea - chicken stirfry

hea x 1 = 350ml skimmed milk
heb x 1 = fibre plus bar

melba toast and pineapple cottage cheese + skinny lattee from milk allowance

syns = pack of morrisons melba toast 3

total syns = 3
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