Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

right,still trying to pull back on my dreadfull weekend..shocking


breakfast - banana

dinner - stirfry,again and chicken skewers,lots of ss in stirfry

tea - joes chilli and garlic grill things,chips,mushrooms,grilled tomatoes,gonna try asparagus,bit of reggee regge sauce,(love that stuff,syn free too )

well quite enjoyed the asparagus 1st time ive tried it,the joes chilli things were way too spicy for me and it was like chewing me carpet,yuk,wouldent buy them again:(

hea x 1 =
heb x 1 =

syns = 1.5 chicken kebabs

busy day today,taking my son for his swimming lesson in a bit,aaw bless,i feel so proud watching him,got to get used to this mega short hair,keep having to do a double take when i go past a mirror,not nice,:) .this evening my other son has football training,hope the weather clears up.whens this heatwave gonna make an apperance then? we need some sun
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yes,got my seceret takeaway book today,cant wait to try it.
friday(thank god 0)ee

breakfast - kiwi,strawberrys,grapes,plum

dinner - syn free scotch eggs,salad and chicken rice

tea - il find out later

hea x 1 =
heb x 1 = kellogs bar

syns = tea out but think im gonna have chilli so hopefully wont be too bad
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