Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

sorry ,been a busy weekend,been out enjoying the scorching hot weather,lovely,have been on plan though apart from a bite of my daughters pasty,yum.

monday - ee

breakfast - grapes,kiwi,strawberries,plum all chopped up small in a bowl

dinner - brocolii and blue cheese soup + pineapple

tea - chicken stirfry with chicken skewers

hea x 1 =cheese in soup
heb x 1 = 3 x danish ww bread

syns =2 x marshmallow things,cant rememeber what they are called but 5 syns + option hot choc 2

total syns = 7
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gonnabesmall said:
sorry ,been a busy weekend,been out enjoying the scorching hot weather,lovely,have been on plan though apart from a bite of my daughters pasty,yum.

monday - ee

breakfast - grapes,kiwi,strawberries,plum all chopped up small in a bowl

dinner - brocolii and blue cheese soup + pineapple

tea - chicken stirfry with chicken skewers

hea x 1 =
heb x 1 =

syns =

I'm gonna make this soup too when I'm better with my leftover Stilton. Doing well girl x
gonnabesmall said:
you get 6 squares in a packet and il pick out the ones with the longest dates on for you.whats best to pack them in,alittle box all safe and secure with a load of bubble wrap,keep em cosy?

Yeah chum, I'll pick up cost of postage etc as well. Maybe 3 blue cheese & 1 onion? X

breakfast - none , overslept and was one mad bloody rush,hate rushing

strawberry slice of apple few bits of grilled polenta

dinner - bns risitto with cheese

tea - chilli con carne with rice and loads of veg innit,apple

hea x 1 = 42g cheese
heb x 1 = toffee oaty bar

syns =polenta found out it bloody synned 1
total syns = 1
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gonnabesmall said:
i used brown,sprayed it with frylight on both sides and put it in the toaster,and hey presto,fried bread

That's ingenius hun! GOTTA try that!! So how's you? Having a good week? My naughtiness this week slapped me accross the face with a big fat 2lb gain!! Whoopsy- must try harder!! X