Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

hellooooooooo,i was knackered last night,went to bed early,getting old now see 35 on fri,o er,lol,

funculrs you must try the bread its almost real tasting,lol,sorry about your gain but it will soon be off,im beginning to worry now about my target weight,i wanted to be 10 st 10lb but im looking at photos of me now and all my weight has come off my face and i can see myself i dont look right,why is it when you lose weight it comes off in the wrong places,i want it to go from my middle,any more from my face and il look skelatal,might have to change mt target weight,but id still love to see 10 st somthing,but i think perasonally if i lose this stone like i wanted to its taking it too far for me.if my face didnt look so old i would carry on and aim for another stone,its hard,im happy now but would i be happier if i lost more? il keep doin it cos im still yet to see 11st 5lb havent seen that yet.

im fine thanks kieragh my little luvvie,hows you,feeling better i hope xxx,ive just pm you x

ali,hows you doin love,birthday girl soon,how old are you gonna be?

breakfast - strawberries and melon

mid morning snack - garlic mushrooms coated in smash,few kiwi chunks,roll on dinner time today,could eat a scabby horse(i wont)

dinner - rice and chilli from yesterday

sugar snap peas

tea - minced beef with onions+mushrooms,stock smash to thicken it up,fried bread,cabbage,leeks,carrots

hea x 1 = 350ml s milk
heb x 1 = 3 slices of brown danish

syns = gonna try and save some for a lattee and caramel shortbread tomorrow :)

total syns = velvet crunch 4
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lol,might help come weigh in keiragh,
im old too ali,I SAID IM OLD TOO ALI ,thought id shout incase you didnt hear it the 1st time,you know old ears and stuff,everything failing at our age hahahahahahhaha

well been to town had me coffee and cake,good old moan to me sil,had a good time,bought some jeans and a sparkly pair of sandals,2 pairs of gorgeous sandals for my princess to,us girls like to shop and she has got a shoe thing going on just like me,must be a girl thing and i love it


breakfast - kiwi+lattee ,caramel shortbread at costa

dinner - brocolli and cheese pasta bake with leeks and bacon grated cheese on top

tea - sw garlic chips,gammon,pineapple,grilled toms,reggee reggee sauce

hea x 1= 42g cheese
heb x 1= toffee oaty bar

syns=costa coffee 3.5 medium skinny lattee and caramel shortbread 17

total syns =20.5 gonna add 1 more for that pasta n sauce so 21.5 syns should be ok cos i had no syns yesterday
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haha,your a star ali.
i dont know but im beginning to beleive that my face is gaunt looking and i dont want to go to far,think im gonna re do my target ,i wanna definatley see 11st 6lb,so i need to lose 4lb to get to there,think im gonna aim to lose 1/2 stone from now that will take me to 11st 2lb.if i EVER get there il see how i feel.im happy now as i am and its bugging me that not one person but at least 6 different people have told me now to stop,6 PEOPLE ,im in no rush to lose this weight,just wish my big belly would go rather than everything else,feel like a boo bah,but then i think ive had 4 beautiful children to show for my saggy belly and unless i exercise i dont think il ever have a toned tummy,i hate exercise,did some couple of weeks ago,still hurts,lol.

so,from now on im gonna aim for another half a stone,cos for me another stone i think would be daft,

if i was brave enough id put on a full pic of me,well thats a lie cos on here somewhere i have a full pic of me and i think it aint to bad,just need to wear bridgette jones pants and a marquee and il be fine,lol,

cor,bet you wish you never asked now :)
Of course I don't regret asking! I think it was something you needed to start thinking about. What about doing some sit-ups? Friend of mine used to swear by them ... lying on the bed of all places! She had one of those sit-up frames but I just do them without the frame :) Start with 20 a night then increase to 30/40/50 until you can do 100.

It doesn't cost anything, it doesn't take too long and anyone can do it!

The other thing my hubbie has bought me but I'm so lazy I haven't tried yet ... resistance bands. He buffed up his body real good before we went to Tenerife just be creating a 20 minute resistance work-out! :eek: (I'm not telling him how good he looks though ;))
i cheat,but its lovly,i fry off som lleeks and bacon,get a packet of that batchelors brocolli and cheese mix,bung that in the microwave,then when done stir in your bacon and leek,grate some chhese on the top,brown off under grill/oven and voila cheats pasta bake..on the packet it will tell you how to do it cos thats were i got it from ;) its reaaly really tasty too
right,not a brilliant day i must say ,but i dont feel bad.....yet,as tis me birthday and i know tomorrow is another day,tis only once a year

breakfast - none

dinner - bacon,egg,pork and apple sausage x 2,beans,mushrooms,tomatoes,beans

tea- oh came home with an indian for my birthday,so had 1/2 tikka masalsa,1/2 naan and 1/2 coconut rice,very very naughty

so no heas and all my syns were in my tea.back on track morrow,till tea time as out for meal again
gonnabesmall said:
right,not a brilliant day i must say ,but i dont feel bad.....yet,as tis me birthday and i know tomorrow is another day,tis only once a year

breakfast - none

dinner - bacon,egg,pork and apple sausage x 2,beans,mushrooms,tomatoes,beans

tea- oh came home with an indian for my birthday,so had 1/2 tikka masalsa,1/2 naan and 1/2 coconut rice,very very naughty

so no heas and all my syns were in my tea.back on track morrow,till tea time as out for meal again

Totally allowed!!!