Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)


breakfast - banana

dinner - special chicken fried rice ( red onion,chicken,peas,mushrooms,soy sauce,egg) 6 chicken skewers in chilli sauce,not sure if these are synned or no but will syn them at 1 each


tea - spag bol

hea x 1= 5 x lc deli onion
heb x 1 = 6 x wholegraincrackerbread

total syns = 6?
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Hi hun, sorry I've been so bad at keeping in touch!! Hope you're ok and had a fun Birthday! Sorry I missed it! Slapped wrists for me!! Doing great, keep it up! XxX
well ali,i had a fab holiday but back to normality now,boo hoo. ive just weighed and ive put on a whopping 7lb.which is a hell of alot.we had breakfast and evening meal included in our hols but no dinner and to be honest we never had dinner,but 7lb surprises me as we didnt stop the whole time we were there,we were swimming,walking,cycling,trampolining all sorts.o well the damage is done now and im sat here eating my porridge now.to top it all off its totm too.
it has now made me more determined to lose this weight now and im hoping il get a good loss this week.wish me luck x
saturday not sure what day to do yet,prob ee

breakfast - 28g porridge made with water sweetner and a grated apple

dinner - apple,all i had time for as was busy shopping all day,restocking for sw food :eek:)

tea - ham salad,baked potato with cheese,boiled eggs,beetroot

superspeed soup

hea x 1 = 42g rf cheese
heb x 1 = 28g porridge + 1 wholegrain crackerbread

syns = salad cream 1,sunbites crisps 6,ww cookie bar 4.5

total syns = 11.5
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gonnabesmall said:
well ali,i had a fab holiday but back to normality now,boo hoo. ive just weighed and ive put on a whopping 7lb.which is a hell of alot.we had breakfast and evening meal included in our hols but no dinner and to be honest we never had dinner,but 7lb surprises me as we didnt stop the whole time we were there,we were swimming,walking,cycling,trampolining all sorts.o well the damage is done now and im sat here eating my porridge now.to top it all off its totm too.
it has now made me more determined to lose this weight now and im hoping il get a good loss this week.wish me luck x

Hey Chickadee! Glad you enjoyed your hol! Don't fret about the gain! Holiday weight (ie quick easy gain) is usually quickly lost again! You can more than half that if u get straight back on the wagon! You are still determined and that's the only thing that matters!! I gained 2lb Monday after a hen weekend so have really pulled it back this week and hoping 4 a fairly good loss! But I rarely get them! I need 3.5lb to get to my lowest yet 11-1.5 but I think its a bit ambitious! X
well 1st day nearly done,felt nice to have a nice healthy salad for tea and not eating for the sake of it.havent stopped all day,been shopping that took forever,got ten ton of washing im trying to get through,got to chop all my fruit later incase the munchies start and ive just made a bowl of that speed soup,must admit it dosent smell the best,hope it tastes ok though.
next big thing is to decide what to have my syns on later,hhhhmmmm?
sunday - ee

breakfast - strawberrys,plum,apple,rasperries,grapes,all chopped up in a bowl

dinner - speed soup,with ham and lettuce,cucumber,tomato sandwich

tea - roast pork,roast potatoes roasted in water 2 x oxos and onion salt and pepper,mushy peas,carrots,brocolli,cauli

well spent a couple of hours at the pub today and was sooooo good,i sat and had my diet cokes.i did have a small lattee but il use that as my a choice.so hard most of my family had burger and chips ,it looked soooooo good and i didnt have any,not even a sneaky chip

ww raspberry tart yog

hea x 1= milk in latte
heb x 1= 2 slices ww thick slice

syns,2 sugars in lattee,didnt have sweetner so 2 syns?
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monday -- ee

breakfast - raspberries,plum,strawberrys,kiwi,grapes

dinner - some kfc and speed soup( couldent eat it all so thick and filling but ive given it a go)

tea - bubble and squeak,mushrooms,bacon and beans,tomatoes

hea x 1=350ml s milk
heb x 1=oaty bar

syns,gonna try and save some cos im out for coffee on thurs
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sunday - ee

breakfast - strawberrys,plum,apple,rasperries,grapes,all chopped up in a bowl

dinner - speed soup,with ham and lettuce,cucumber,tomato sandwich

tea - roast pork,roast potatoes roasted in water 2 x oxos and onion salt and pepper,mushy peas,carrots,brocolli,cauli

well spent a couple of hours at the pub today and was sooooo good,i sat and had my diet cokes.i did have a small lattee but il use that as my a choice.so hard most of my family had burger and chips ,it looked soooooo good and i didnt have any,not even a sneaky chip

ww raspberry tart yog

hea x 1= milk in latte
heb x 1= 2 slices ww thick slice

syns,2 sugars in lattee,didnt have sweetner so 2 syns?

Liking the new thread name hun!!! Yummeeee that fruit salad for breakfast sounds lovely!X

gosh its bad when im updating my ticker with my gain,it looks awfull now i almost have another stone to lose.flipping heck.but did have a comment this morning from a teacher at school saying id lost loads of weight and im looking really good :) .i bet i look the same to my friends as i did b4 i went on my hols ,they dont notice the half a stone but i do,i feel mahhosive and if i dont have a good loss this week i will not be a happy bunny

breakfast - banana,raspberries ww yogurt

dinner - brocolli and blue cheese soup

plum,banana sw roulade

tea -2 x burger(topped with cheese,bloody forgot i had cheese for dinner so i might syn dinner and a choice my 28 g i had on my burger,hope that ok) ,chips,onion,mushrooms,tomatoes

slice of roulade


hea x 1 = 28g cheese
heb x 1 = 2 x ww thick wholemeal ( evening snack of toast)

syns = half bowl of blue lc deli cheese in soup 4? scrape flora el 1

total syns = 5
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just back from hols on my 3rd strict day cos i want to do really well and my sis and i going out thurs,she now wants breakfast at spoons,my sil want to meet up one eve and go to the pub and have eaton mess and a coffee....ive got out of that 1 ,i have no willpower,not as god as i used to,
is it ok to save my syns,for thurs if i have a breakfast,? maybe il have a cup of tea ,hope this will be free apart from the milk and maybe have porridge? could b choice it....il do somthing,i want to be back in the 11s,gosh once i was so close to being in the 10s,that seems so far away now i cant even see it x