Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

I feel the same as you hun! Scales are going in the wrong direction at the moment ... but funnily enough my size 14s are fitting me better than ever :confused:

You can get back on track luv - you've done it before xx You are very disciplined when you want to be and I have every faith that you can do it again :)

BTW - course you can save up some syns for a pub brekkie xx
Leanne, I am the WORST for holiday gains!! Once I'm on hols I'm on hols and I deal with the gain when I get back!! For me, a holiday is a holiday from ALL of life's daily grind, and that includes food discipline! Focus and it'll be off in no time! You've done it before and you'll do it again!! No need to deprive yourself or go hungry- just follow the plan to a tee, keep eating plenty- no skipping meals (this definitly works- keeps up the metabolism), just be careful with the syns- you'll see it off in no time!!X
thanks my lovely,i always find it very VERY hard when people ask me out,like il say in my head il have the best thing possible on the menu and end up thinking sod it im out to enjoy myself,i have no disipline ..prob is ive lost this weight over and over again.i should be a svelte size 12 by now,lol.
i can do it again,and ive got a wedding to aim for now and i want to look my best x thanks for the good advise chick.....im soooo jealous of you ;)
gonnabesmall said:
thanks my lovely,i always find it very VERY hard when people ask me out,like il say in my head il have the best thing possible on the menu and end up thinking sod it im out to enjoy myself,i have no disipline ..prob is ive lost this weight over and over again.i should be a svelte size 12 by now,lol.
i can do it again,and ive got a wedding to aim for now and i want to look my best x thanks for the good advise chick.....im soooo jealous of you ;)

A good loss this week will be a good motivator. U CAN do it! I hate eating out too tho, am so rubbish at it :) !!!! Just back from Chinese, had smoked shredded chicken ( thinking it wouldn't be fried, was however!) and beef chow mein & fried rice. Could have been worse but could def been better :-( x
You have a lot to be proud off, look at where you were at the start of your weight loss, now look at yourself. Most people dream about losing so much weight.

Holidays are holidays and are there to be enjoyed and a gain over a holiday is to be expected. It really is no problem as the weight soon comes off and I bet you had fun:D

Good luck on getting to target weight and have a great week.:D
A good loss this week will be a good motivator. U CAN do it! I hate eating out too tho, am so rubbish at it :) !!!! Just back from Chinese, had smoked shredded chicken ( thinking it wouldn't be fried, was however!) and beef chow mein & fried rice. Could have been worse but could def been better :-( x

im terrible when i go out,il have the lot,starter,main ,dessert,coffee , gah ,somtimes you have to live but why do we wrack ourselves with guilt after,should be able to go out and ejoy it and NOT to worry about what you eat.
in fact when im out with my family i think to myself " i bet your not worrying about the syns in that" or " i bet you dont cut back on food/syns to cover that meal tomorrow" its sad isint it.

when i got back from holiday i was on here checking out my diary my sis looked over my shoulder and said LEANNE your obsessed?????

why do they bug moi,lol

i feel good ,dah da dah da dah da da,i knew that i would ,dah da da dah da da da


breakfast - banana,bit of tangy pineapple,why is it somtimes its lovely and sweet and other times its :jelous:

mugshot roast chicken

dinner - chicken stir fry with peanut satay sauce + 2 x kiwis and ww yogurt


tea - honey and soy glazed chicken with cajun stirfry

pineapple + pear

hea x 1=28 g cheese
heb x 1= toffee oaty bar

syns =roasted peanut satay sauce 5 :eek: honey 1.5

total syns = 6.5
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I'm glad you feel good....da da da da daaa! Lol! Oh hun the point u made about if you'd stuck to it every week since Oct '09 you'd be teeny weeny...well you would probably not still be here because you would probably have thrown the towel in long ago as you would be fed up and wouldn't have had a life!! Frustrating as it may be, there is no time limit on this! You're still going strong and you still have the inclination to do it so just keep chipping away! It's taken me 28 weeks to lose 4.5 lb so plse don't be jealous of me lol....XxX
your such a sweetheart heather x.i know how it goes,i guess that this is now a way of life isint it,a choice to eat healyier,sorry cant think how to spell that healthier,thats it,duh.it does get frustrating at times but somtimes can be very rewarding to,im out for my breakfast tomorrow with my sis,although i think i shouldent but on 1 hand if thats all i have all day i can have a omelette for tea it cant be that bad ,can it? .im glad ive stuck to this for so long cos when im doing it i enjoy it and feel proud that im sticking to it,but my god i need to stick to it cos if im not doing this il eat till the cows come home,like last week,i know i was on holiday but 1/2 a stone in a week ,if i came home and carried on it could of been another 1/2 a stone and i would end up where i started and i dont want that.why cant we eat what we like a lose 1/2 stone in a week lol.xxx
your such a sweetheart heather x.i know how it goes,i guess that this is now a way of life isint it,a choice to eat healyier,sorry cant think how to spell that healthier,thats it,duh.it does get frustrating at times but somtimes can be very rewarding to,im out for my breakfast tomorrow with my sis,although i think i shouldent but on 1 hand if thats all i have all day i can have a omelette for tea it cant be that bad ,can it? .im glad ive stuck to this for so long cos when im doing it i enjoy it and feel proud that im sticking to it,but my god i need to stick to it cos if im not doing this il eat till the cows come home,like last week,i know i was on holiday but 1/2 a stone in a week ,if i came home and carried on it could of been another 1/2 a stone and i would end up where i started and i dont want that.why cant we eat what we like a lose 1/2 stone in a week lol.xxx

....because we didn't put all our weight back on that quickly! After a holiday we naturally lose some just by going back to 'normal' eating, but for me in the past I probably never got ALL my holiday weight back off, and bit by bit, in addition to the daily/weekly excesses on it went! I put on 4 stone in about 6 years!! Less than 1lb a month, so doesn't sound a lot! But doesn't it all add up!! I put 7lb on over Chrimbo and that was all in about 4 days!! Easily done! Just concentrate on getting that off over 2-3 weeks, then when that's gone just chip away 1/2-1lb per week (easily acheivable) and you'll be where you want to be before you know it!!XXX
gonnabesmall said:
the syrups are monin and you can get all sorts of flavours,im hoping the sugar free ones are free,my little buddy kieragh says thay are and the non reduced sugar ones are 1 syn per shot i think. i got mine from cream supplies x

heres the link,hope it works


Yep sugar free syrup is free, a shot is normally 25ml tho I bought the monin bottle pump so take 2.5-3 pumps of it. I bought 4 bottles diff flavours as postage worked out better. Enjoy x
thanks hun,it came today,then i was in costa earier and they had a pack of 5 different flavours for £5.99 so i bought them aswell.they smel quite strong so id imagine you wouldent need a lot.my sis works in a pub and she said they use a teasspoon,spos youd have to try it and get it to your own taste,cant wait to try them..

kieragh,im gonna make your bajees tomorrow,cant wait,curry feast for me i think xxx