Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:
thanks hun,it came today,then i was in costa earier and they had a pack of 5 different flavours for £5.99 so i bought them aswell.they smel quite strong so id imagine you wouldent need a lot.my sis works in a pub and she said they use a teasspoon,spos youd have to try it and get it to your own taste,cant wait to try them..

kieragh,im gonna make your bajees tomorrow,cant wait,curry feast for me i think xxx

Gosh no a teaspoon doesn't work for me lol!!! I used to take about 4 before got the pump, enjoy hun they are lush!

The bahji's are so yummy, might make them this weekend too, let me know what u think xx
ooh im in ove with vanila moonin syrup.

friday (thank god ,in desperate need for a lie in tomorrow)

breakfast - mixed fruit salad

yogurt ww

dinner - bns and sage risitto

tea - curry and egg fried rice

made from the seceret takeaway book,simmering now and it smels lovely,aparantley you can freeze it and ive made enough for 7 people.....handy that

hea x 1= 350ml skimmed milk
heb x 1=alpen light x 2

syns= none,ate like a fiend yesterday,naughty naughty
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ooh im in ove with vanila moonin syrup.

friday (thank god ,in desperate need for a lie in tomorrow)

breakfast - mixed fruit salad

yogurt ww

dinner - bns and sage risitto

tea - curry and egg fried rice

made from the seceret takeaway book,simmering now and it smels lovely,aparantley you can freeze it and ive made enough for 7 people.....handy that

hea x 1=
heb x 1=

syns= none,ate like a fiend yesterday,naughty naughty

Sage risotto??? You're posh!

Curry sounds good too x Was it nice?
I don't measure out spices- I just use guesswork and chuck loads in!! They always turn out OK but I do like hot curries lol!!!X
gonnabesmall said:
well i do usually and theve always been a diaster too,so thought today id follow the recepie and it was still rubbish,think the best 1 i had was just simply pasatta stock and curry powder,simple

Was it from takeaway secret?? Aint tried curry recipes yet but the fried rice was yum, did u use the kikkoman soy sauce, really does make a difference. Plus I make the boiled rice the night before & put in fridge. Might give the curries a miss tho now!! I've plan pretty much off plan today, eeeekkkkkkk x
if you didnt see the 1st bit i lost 4lb so im well chuffed to be back in the 11s,only just mind,now 11st 13lb.but it will be less again next week.if i had a glass id raise it,lol x

saturday - ee

breakfast - celebratry fry up,well grill up.sausages,mushrooms,tomayoes and fried bread

dinner - risotto from yesterday

tea - spag bol PASTA BAKE

hea x 1= 28g cheese
heb x 1= 2 slices ww wholemeal thick cut

syns= 2 mini shortbreads 2,pink n white 2.5
tota syns = 4.5
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Commented on Facebook and another thread already but WOW WOW WOW what a boost!! You must be jumping for joy! Back in control! Great feeling xxxxxxxxx
monday ee

was good yesterday was just out all day enjoying the sun(sat in pub drinking diet cokes :) )

breakfast - banana,plum,melon,apple

dinner - 2 ww wholemeal with sliced banana and sweetner on top

off to boys sports day now so packed my bag with loads of fruit


tea - chilli and rice


heax1= 42g cheese
hebx1= 2 slices ww bread

syns - snack a jacks 4.5

total syns = 2.5
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tuesday - - - ee

WHERES THE SUN GONE???????????????????????

breakfast - strawberries,raspberries,blueberries,red grapes and ww yogurt

dinner - yesterdays chilli and rice


tea - chicken,rice,tomatos,boiled eggs,spring onion,red onion,cucumber,pepper

hea x 1=350ml milk
heb x 1=2 x ww wholemeal bread

syns = salad cream ight 1,cinnamin syrup 1,ww caramel whip 4.5

total syns = 6.5
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