Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:
tuesday - - - ee

WHERES THE SUN GONE???????????????????????

breakfast - strawberries,raspberries,blueberries,red grapes and ww yogurt

dinner - yesterdays chilli and rice


tea - ham salad,rice,tomatos,boiled eggs,spring onion,red onion,cucumber

hea x 1=
heb x 1=

syns =

What sun?? Welcome to my world x
wednesday ee

this week is going so slow,feels ike it shoud be at least friday....

breakfast - sausage sandwich tomato sauce,pineapple pear

dinner - mushroom omelette with 71g primula light,tomatos,ww yog

carrot sticks

tea - southern fried chicken,chips,salad,bbq sauce

aero frozen bubbe ice cream,bit like screwball

5 syns i thought that werent bad

hea x 1 = 71g primula light
heb x 1 = ww bread

syns = tom sauce 1.kfc style coating 1.5,aero choc/mint ice cream bubble 5

total syns = 7.5
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Go Leanne, Go Leanne!! You're having a great week!! You're really in the zone at the moment! I can feel it in my bones that you're going to be at target soon!!!X
wow,how good am i,as you all know i usually go for coffee and cake thurs mornings,well had my skinny lattee and NO CAKE ,how chuffed am i.also my sis took my boys pizza hut in the week and they mucked up her order so they gave her a free pizza,which she bought home for me.it was my favourite one too stuffed crust bbq chicken,it smelt and looked lovely ,but i didnt have a single bite.i amazed myself,it sat in the kitchen till oh came home later in the evening,he even offered me a bit and i still said no .feels good.....i better lose this week. :O)

still feeling good......

thursday(thank god its friday tomorrow,stil in desperate need of a lie in,kids would not get up for school last week for love nor money ,yet the weekend comes and BOTH days they were up at 6.30 am,:cry:)


breakfast - skinny lattee with sugar free vanilla syrup

fresh peas

dinner - sw quiche and beans + sw lemon roulade

tea - thai green curry and egg special fried rice


heax1=350ml milk

syns=thai curry mix 3.5,skinny latte 2.5,wwdouble choc chip and orange cookies 4.5

total syns = 10.5
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That looks gorgeous! I might like that cos I prefer sharper things to sweeter.

I love that you are still so enthusiastic about trying new foods and experimenting with your cooking when you are so close to target!

You are a real inspiration hun!

Fingers crossed for a good WI result on Saturday!
me an inspiration,wow.what a compiment,thanks honey.
i feel 100 mies away from target,but im determined.so hoping for a loss this week,

stil try to come up with new ideas,i scower bbc good food for recepies,have you looked on there

thanks ali youve made my day.ive always been bloody useless at everyting ive done,apart from my 4 amazing children, xxx
Ooh cake looks lovely! Can I have a cuppa too? lol

Hi gonnabesmall, I've been reading your diary so I thought I'd say hello :eek:
o er,weigh day tomorrow,eek,fingers crossed

fri ( thank god ) ee

breakfast - pineappe and apple

slice of roulade,not sure if i should bother synning half a syn? not if i have a small slice...ideas?

dinner - rice from yesterday and chili skewers

tea - minced beef and,mushrooms,stock and onions,fried bread,brocoli,carrots,mash potato

apple few strawberries,raspberies+blueberries

hea x 1 = 28 g cheese
heb x 1 = 2 slices ww bread

syns = 5 for 5 chicken skewers,ww cookies 4

total syns = 9
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gonnabesmall said:
o er,weigh day tomorrow,eek,fingers crossed

fri ( thank god ) ee

breakfast - pineappe and apple

slice of roulade,not sure if i should bother synning half a syn? not if i have a small slice...ideas?

dinner - rice from yesterday and chili skewers

tea - minced beef and,mushrooms,stock and onions,fried bread,brocoli,carrots,mash potato

apple few strawberries,raspberies+blueberries

hea x 1 = 28 g cheese
heb x 1 = 2 slices ww bread

syns = 5 for 5 chicken skewers

I don't Syn my roulade, get about 7 slices and by the time u split that into half a Syn it's hardly worth it