Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)


lost 2.2lbs this morning.only 1lb to go to get to my pre-holiday weight

breakfast-bacon sarnie and a squidge of brown sauce

dinner-butternutsquash risitto

tea - ahem,being a bit naughty and im gonna have a indian takeaway,little treat night for moi....please dont shout at me ;o)

hebx1= 2 x weight watchers bread

syns - sauce 0.5 and a indian
oer,was starting to get ready for an ear bashing,lol.its bad though,got cinema and pizza hut to get through,why does my sis think i can have a social life whilst trying to be an angel on slimming world,gah,bloody maid........hahahahaha,stil gonna aim for a pound loss next week,even though she got a voucher for bogof on pizza...perhaps i should expect a gain??????????????????
just ordered this,what do you think?

do you think its a bit much for doing the scool walks in?

Go on ... I dare you!

only joking,i aint that daft,lol.where would i wear it? off to see a tribute band to trex end of july,is it a bit much for that?

It will be perfect - you will look a right rock chick! And it's something you can wear again and again when the autumn comes you could stick a jacket on top and still look fab!

I hate your long slim legs!!!!
sunday-green(at last minute)

indian last night ,what a dissapointment it was stone cold,didnt have to much,

breakfast - 2 x toast,bowl of strawberries,raspberries,buberries topped with ww yogurt

dinner- im having a go at soup,ive chopped up bns,potato,onion,carrot,pinch of cumin and chicken stock,hope its ok

well soup is nice,made smash garic bread to go with it :O)
handful of sugar snap peas
tea-spinach,chicpea and tomato curry with wild rice


heax1=71g primula light
hebx1=2 slices ww bread

syns- scrape of flora light 1

gonna keep my syns to a minimum of 5 this week.try to cover the indian and pizza hut ,hope this works,and im gonna try to cut down on carbs,fingers crossed
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do you know for some strange reason i was just going through last years caander and i am exactley the same weight now as i was this time last year...dont know how to feel,should i feel proud that ive kept this 2.5 stone off and have been maintaining,apart from the odd blip,or should i feel annoyed cos im still the same /????????? answers on a postcard pease x
gonnabesmall said:
do you know for some strange reason i was just going through last years caander and i am exactley the same weight now as i was this time last year...dont know how to feel,should i feel proud that ive kept this 2.5 stone off and have been maintaining,apart from the odd blip,or should i feel annoyed cos im still the same /????????? answers on a postcard pease x

U should be proud for keeping it off toots! U look great & look at how much holiday weight u dropped in 2 weeks wowee!!!!! Funnily enough I'm same weight as last July too lol, took me a long time to lose holiday & Christmas weight but this time I'm eating tons more, just better stuff. We're rockin this. X
Hia. The Kala coconut milk is in the new mag. It is near the UHT section and in a box not a can. It is now a HEA choice on all plans for 400mls!! I have bought some but haven't tried it yet. Going to try it this week. Is Thai green paste 1 syn for a tblsp? Need to find that out lol.