Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Hey hun well done on your brill weight loss this week. I reckon mine has been put back a bit. Well I am back and glad to be back. No internet whatsoever!! It did my head in and I went a bit mad. Started off being good and not havign anything naughty then it just got worse as the week progressed. Ended up with a McDs on way home last night with a strawberry milkshake as well. I had one of those crispy chicken deli wraps - oh wow I can't imagine how many syns I have had this week. Right need to get back on track. xxxx
Well weigh in day is tomorrow so we will soon see the damage. Arggghhh 7lb!! I hope not that much. I'd really feel like quitting then. Going to make a lovely veg and maybe lentil curry tonight. Got lots fo peppers to use up. xx
wel im in a much much better mood today,just weighd and ive lost 4.5 lb.im thriled cos im now down to my lowest weight ever of 11st 4lb.....never thought id see beow 11st 6lb let alone get to 11st 6lb...wow i feel like this has been a very long time coming.phew.had to get on here and brag, lol. i even put on a pair of my jeans yesterday that have been a bit nip b4 and i had to keep pulling them up :) :) :) :)


Well Done Lianne!

That's fantastic!​
gonnabesmall said:
just got me trousers.they were sat there waiting for me.last pair on the rail.also bought a top in a 16 got home its way to big,why did i buy a 16,? its a one shoulder top and the side with no strap hangs below my boob,not a good look,;)

Lol lol! Wooo to the trousers :) silly billy buying a size 16 top doh lol x
4.5lbs is fan-bloody-tastic lady!!!!!! Well done you! Glad you got your trousers :D Tops are funny things aren't they. I always have to try them on because I can't judge. I remember having to buy a size 8 in primark once (when I was a snug 16) and by jove I am no size 8!!!!!!!!!
Well well well lovely lady!! I've already commented on the challenge thread, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's a really brilliant loss, especially as you've now got to your lowest yet!!! Remember what you were saying to me recently that you couldn't wait to get to the low 11s?!!! Well here you are, and it's all down to your dedication and never giving up!! It shows that hard work pays off!! Look your BMI is exactly the same as mine!! Mind you after the weekend I think I'm going upwards again...grrww damn doughnut and icecream!!!X
thanks heather,im still feeling amazing and its nice to be able to say ive ony got 4 lb to go rather than saying 10,its a great feeling....i did however go out today for a carvery.But i only had a few roasties and piled my pate with veg BUT then on the otherhand i did have a litte gravy,a bit of stuffing and a yorkie and a chocolate brulee......oooh it was lovely,really enjoyed it so im gonna cal that my reward lol......

is it a good bmi then?means nothing to me, duh
thanks heather,im still feeling amazing and its nice to be able to say ive ony got 4 lb to go rather than saying 10,its a great feeling....i did however go out today for a carvery.But i only had a few roasties and piled my pate with veg BUT then on the otherhand i did have a litte gravy,a bit of stuffing and a yorkie and a chocolate brulee......oooh it was lovely,really enjoyed it so im gonna cal that my reward lol......

is it a good bmi then?means nothing to me, duh

Well you deserve a little treat, that's for sure!! I think allowing ourselves nice things is what keeps us going!! Yes a BMI (Body Mass Index based on weight for our height) of 25.3 is great because according to the chart that states we 'should' have a BMI of 20-25 this means we're (almost) totally normal and not overweight yaaayyy!! And when we started you were 32.1 and I was 35.8, over 30 being 'obese' (NOT a nice thought!!) Although we should ONLY use it as a guide because it's quite old-school- apparently devised back in the day since when proportions have changed quite a bit!! Apparently some athletes like the rower Matthew Pinsent has a BMI WELL over normal, but that's because he's pure muscle!! I couldn't use that excuse any longer lol!X
monday - ee

breakfast - apple ww yog

dinner - bns ,carrot onion,soup with added sage,delish,wish i made a bigger bowl :)

tea -garlic chips ham mushy peas,giant garlic mushroom and homemade bns curry sauce

bowl frozen berries and ww yog

heax1=350ml s milk
hebx1=2 x harvest morn bars

syns = bag ww cookies 4.5
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