Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Oh I must give u a laugh..... Here is a pic of the birthday cake my 3 yr old wants for his party next mth... The other mothers will be thinking we're a bunch of freaks lol. Thankfully my friend makes great cakes so she can make one, he's so adamant it's what he wants! X


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It is mad during hols isn't it? I have been planning my meals the night before so I know what I am going to be having. Sometimes I don't fancy it but at least I don't have to think too much about it. That's the problem with this plan lol there is too much choice!! x
yeah i know that one. Hubby is as well. I have pasta in and frozen food I can just stick in oven when I can't be bothered. Sometimes I can't be bothered fighting with them. Beans on toast is another one. Tinned food lol. dearie me - I am a terrible mother.