Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

back on today kieragh .how naughty was i.mind you my stomach paid for it last night....bimey....

sunday - ee

breakfast- 2 slices toast,slice of cucumber,muerlight coconut

dinner - out to a kiddies birthday party at the park,ive got to be good,just packed a picnic bag ful of goodies for my children,BUT i need to lose this weight more...should of thought of that yesterday eh.......will report back later

well im back had thunder and really heavy rain,but stuck to my pineapple chunks few bits of ham and cucumber sticks

tea-sw pizza topped with tomatoes mushrooms red onion ,sweetcorn,primua ight

heax1=71g primula light
hebx1=2 slices nimble

syns - none today,not gonna have any till wed at least try to cover yesterday a bit ;)
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The weather is like that here today too. My washing got drenched after nearly being dry, I was not happy. Ur lookin good today! I've just finished making the roulade (finally cracked it as it's light & fluffy yippee!) & a cheese, chive & veggie quiche. Hubby makin big roast dinner tho my head is thumping :-( x
gonnabesmall said:
ooh,i ove a roast dinner on sundays,cant beat it x
whats the seceret then to that roulade?

Whip the absolute hell out of the egg whites & only put a little fromage frais in this time. Tis yummy, having a slice later with a cuppa tea. Be in bed early cause stonker of a headache (pre totm), also feel size of a house x

god ,dont know what ive eaten but tis gone right through me,my tummy so sore,not good at all

breakfast - tried eating some frozen berries,dont know why i buy them,fresh ones are so much better,will do huge restock tomorrow

dinner - toasted sandwich with ham cheese tomatoes

tea - good ole chilli and rice,my fav ,prob not the best idea though seeing as i have a sore tummy,o well,

heax1=28g cheese
hebx1=2 slices wholemeal nimble

syns = staying cleer,been to naughty to indulge in ANY syns
That's weird. I have a sore tummy too and I made a curry! I had seconds as I really wanted to get the goodness in lol but now I am even worse. Silly me. I am such a greedy pig. Hope you get well soon. I ahve arranged to go to a museum with another parent tomoz so hope I am well enough and not caught nasty bug or anything. x
hope both of your tum tums settle down!
gonnabesmall said:
well got up this morning and tummy doing boody somersaults again,dont think its the sick bug dosent feel the same.im sure twas my chilli and i really dont fancy it today ,might just stick to my fruit.well off to asda now with ALL 4 kids in tow....wish me luck x

Aw Hun :-( enjoy ur shopping, hope u get loadsa lovely goodies, & hope kids behave lol x
You're a brave woman taking 4 kids with you!! I salute you!! I hope your tummy settles down soon x
I salute you too. It was only today I said to my friend I don't know how people with 4 kids do it!! After 3 you're outnumbered she said lol. Tummy - you sure its not hunger? Hope you're getting enough food in there hun. xx