Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

yeah,i ok,bad day yesterday ,had a friend come over with her children and we yapped al afternoon,time just flew by,then my oh came home with a kebab ....coud not not eat it,was starving yesterday as al i had was me bow of berries in the morning.....i knew this week was bad,but hey ______________________________________________________________________________________________ this is my big line and im starting fresh today,

also had a 2lb gain this morning,not good but what should i expect tis my own doing,get over it and start again x
gonnabesmall said:
yeah,i ok,bad day yesterday ,had a friend come over with her children and we yapped al afternoon,time just flew by,then my oh came home with a kebab ....coud not not eat it,was starving yesterday as al i had was me bow of berries in the morning.....i knew this week was bad,but hey ______________________________________________________________________________________________ this is my big line and im starting fresh today,

also had a 2lb gain this morning,not good but what should i expect tis my own doing,get over it and start again x

That's a good attitude to have Leanne! I'm the same, if I'm starving and hubby puts something v bad in front of me I can't not eat it, ur not alone.. X
saturday - ee

breakfast - banana,large mushroom,dash totmato sauce,ham,cheese,

dinner - spicy tomato soup

tea - chips,mushy peas,morrisons chicken skewers x 5,curry sauce made with bns

hea=2 slices kerry low low
hebx1=28 g oatybix flakes

syns- tomato sauce 1,not sure if the kebabs are free so gonna syn at 1 syn each 5

tota syns 6
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2lbs on? Hah! You will have that off in no time hun! Probably not even an accurate weight gain ... it'll be that pesky kebab!

I've put on 2lbs overnight just from being out with the girls, lol!

Have a great weekend babes x
gonnabesmall said:
thanks kieragh,why is it when we eat it we wrack ourseves with guilt.its gonna be hard next week cos oh has got the week off work,so prob go out a bit more than usual,got to get this 2lb gone and get back to my lowest.

have you weighed yet sweet?

Our bodies are complicated things, they drive me nuts! Not weighing today, totm plus staying at mums last night/ this morning. Just enjoy the week coming with oh & kids, hope weather is good for u x
Hun, sorry to hear about your gain! But PLEEEAASEE don't beat yourself up about it and you know you don't have to starve yourself or live on fruit all week to get that off again!! Blimey, if you could see how many gains I've had in past 8 months! The main thing is that I've lost them all again but it has slowed me right down and prevented me from getting to target yet!! You are doing sooo great and you've had a great run of losses lately so try and see the bigger picture- I know you can!! Some days and weeks it's just much harder than others but the main thing is we ride out the rough patches and we'll definitely get there!!!!XXXXX
Definitely! Quick on, quick off.
Don't just do the fruit only thing please. Not good for you. Shake it up, have some superspeed or veggie soup, have lots of red days and minimise the carbs - these both always works wonders for me.

Back in June I had 5 week where I just went up and done with a total 1lb loss for the whole month! Then I just dug my heels in and lost a massive 4 lbs in one week. The next week my body seriously objected! and I went back up 1.5 lbs. So don't despair - it just looks as though your body is rebelling too!

You can do this chica. ((( hugs )))
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Don't do the fruit only thing just to get that weight off. This is for life isn't it? If you do the fruit thing and lose it then you may well put some back on later just by EATING!!! Anyhoo, don't beat yourself up. You have had a difficult few weeks with the kids and that. I STS and you know me and syns and how I don't gen eat many so I feel gutted that there was no movement. But there you go. Onwards and upwards hun. xxxx
ok no fruit thing,lol

monday - ee

breakfast - none as no fruit or bread,suppies running low

dinner - whilst everyone else had a pasty i came home and had a minestrone cup a soup thing

tea - baked potato topped ith pineapple cottage cheese,+ tomatoes,beetroot,slice of ham,maybe some rice

heax1=350ml skimmed milk
hebx1=2x weetabix

syns =
Good girl lol. Glad you have seen sense. I still haven't managed to go out shopping so tomorrow I am really going to struggle. I am tempted to take the kids out tonight whilst it is quiet. Hubby has come home for the afternoon but is going again at 7. Dare I take them out that late???
Naaaa I couldn't be bothered but got up early this morning to do it as had prearranged to meet a friend who I haven't seen in yonks but she keeps cancelling on me. I texted her yesterday to make sure it was still on and guess what... she has just texted me - an hour before we are due to go there - to cancel. ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I haven't even responded. I'll end up saying something I will regret if I do. Sooo, I am off to make a roulade - all for me - to console myself. Hope you have a good day. x
craftylucyloo said:
Naaaa I couldn't be bothered but got up early this morning to do it as had prearranged to meet a friend who I haven't seen in yonks but she keeps cancelling on me. I texted her yesterday to make sure it was still on and guess what... she has just texted me - an hour before we are due to go there - to cancel. ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I haven't even responded. I'll end up saying something I will regret if I do. Sooo, I am off to make a roulade - all for me - to console myself. Hope you have a good day. x

Get the kettle on & Leanne and I will be round soon :) x