Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Me too! Can you stuff a piece of the roulade down the phone wires for me to eat please!
lol.im very ashamed to say i seem to be having another pants week :(.i knew it would be hard,when im home im soooooo good ,but when we go out its virtually impossible,ike tomorrow for instance,its my mum and dads wedding anniversary and they have invited us out for an indian.think i gonna forget this week,expect another gain on sat,but at least then i have no plans for a while........argghhhhh
do you know,its so hard,il start off thinking il be good but when i actualy go out i think sod it,im gonna enjoy myself.....BUT my weight is going back up slowly but then on the other hand i know i can pull al this back next week.think im gonna enjoy this week but im not gonna go overboard,ive got till october for this wedding....ive ordered my dress today,not the purple one i put on here the other day....il see if i can find a pic
Oooo that dress is lovely! I'm so jealous! One day I hope to be able to wear a dress like that! You'll need to post pics when you're all dolled up looking spectacular :)

Enjoy your week off! We all deserve a break now and again!
Great choice hun! That will look absolutely gorge on you! xx

Don't give yourself such a hard time - last week you said you were looking a bit gaunt - this week you think you are piling the weight back on, lol! You are not! It is just settling x You know you don't want to lose much more ... us Yummy Mummies have a limit you know ;) Except for Kieragh that is ... she's a wee dot!
Ali* said:
Great choice hun! That will look absolutely gorge on you! xx

Don't give yourself such a hard time - last week you said you were looking a bit gaunt - this week you think you are piling the weight back on, lol! You are not! It is just settling x You know you don't want to lose much more ... us Yummy Mummies have a limit you know ;) Except for Kieragh that is ... she's a wee dot!

Oi! Lol, I've been called some things in my time, a dot tho is not one of them lol x
Oooo that dress is lovely! I'm so jealous! One day I hope to be able to wear a dress like that! You'll need to post pics when you're all dolled up looking spectacular :)

Enjoy your week off! We all deserve a break now and again!

well i wont look like her thats for sure ol.im gonna buy the biggest bridgette jones pants i can find lol.i expect i wont be able to breath but hay ho cant have it all,:) .im even going to have a spray tan...has anyone ever had one ?do they come out ok?....
i will post pics,the wedding not till october though so i got a few weeks to lose a coupe more pounds......i gonna show my family i am no longer the fat 1....x:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
im even going to have a spray tan...has anyone ever had one ?do they come out ok?....
Not had one, but did one for a friend who was wearing a slinky low back number for her 50th. And it looked fantastic. Doesn't last long though so only get done a few days before.

yeah gonna have this week off and face the consequeces .i a big girl now,i can take it.lol. ive done it b4 and i can do it again.i just feel so bad when i eat non slimming world x
Why go completely off? Stick to the SW principles and eat healthily - lots of meat and veggies - BUT add in lots of nice treats. How about setting yourself limits of syns each day and flexi-synning for the week? Better than going totally awol.
gonnabesmall said:
well i wont look like her thats for sure ol.im gonna buy the biggest bridgette jones pants i can find lol.i expect i wont be able to breath but hay ho cant have it all,:) .im even going to have a spray tan...has anyone ever had one ?do they come out ok?....
i will post pics,the wedding not till october though so i got a few weeks to lose a coupe more pounds......i gonna show my family i am no longer the fat 1....x:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hi missy, spray tans are great, last maybe 3-4 days tops. Get it done day before, usually have to shower residue off next morning. U will look amazing, can't wait to see the pics x
thirsday - ee

breakfast - strawberries,raspberries and pineapple

dinner - 2 x harvest morn bars ,apple,didnt have time to do anything else as was in the park with me kiddies

tea - chicken salad,little gem lettuce,spring onion,toms,cucumber,new potatos,savoury rice,beetroot,pickles

heax1=42g cheese
hebx1=2 x harvest morn bars

syns =
gonnabesmall said:
thanks darlin.was gonna book fri eve,will deffo post pics,back on the wagon today....i did weigh this morning and ive put on a pound so not too bad i suppose.i not gonna weigh this sat..oh back to work next week so will be totally motivated again to lose this extra 3lb ...

Ru having the week off? Ohhhhh what types of yummy things ru eating lol? Hey a lb isn't too bad. I put that on even when I'm on plan ffs, think my body's natural weight is 9st dead. X
gonnabesmall said:
had eyelash extensions last night,my friend training to do them and shes done a lovely job,was nice just to lye there for an hour and a half just talking,twas a proper girly night,was so nice...and my eyelashes look amazing,funny when i put my glasses on cos i can feel them againt the glass,lol,

Sounds brill!!! I'd love these! Not feeling better :-( working from home today. So at least it'll be a bit easier. X