Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Oooh hun my poota isn't letting me open up your pic at the moment for me to see you!!! You lucky girl, Lee Evans is awesome isn't he!! Can't believe you met him! That's so cool!! And next week Allan Carr!!!! Wow he is brilliant too!! I listen to him and Mel Sykes on Radio 2 and I'm in absolute stiches!!! Hope all is well with you (apart from the splitting sides which are about to get worse after seeing Allan Carr lol!!!) Looks like you're doing great on the SW front!! 4lb to go...WOWZERS!!! Well done for resisting all that yummy stuff! Did you have a little cake at your little boy's 5th!! If you did, I'm sure you could afford it, if you didn't, blimmin well done!!!!X
well,ahem,got a little bit more than 4lb to lose just havent updated tut,tut,think i got 7lb to lose now.i did have a little slice of cake not the huge slab of it like i usually would of done and i had a cake that i made that day but i am pulling back on syns this week,need a loss....got to get back to 11st 4lb.....

cant wait to see alan carr,il see if i can post pics if i lucky enough to meet im too
do you ovely ladies remember the blue dress i showed you for the wedding? well i think i have now found the perfect shoes


lush aernt they,what do you think....i want to get dressed up now,lol
wednesday - green

breakfast - beans on toast

dinner - brocoli and blue cheese soup

tea - chickpea dahl with added peas mushrooms,baby corn onion,rice

heax1=5 c blue deli cheese
heax2=28g cheese
heax1=2 slices weight watchers thick sliced
hebx2= 2 x harvest morn bars

syns = gonna keep it minimal ,try to cover my boys slice of cake

scrape of flora 1,sorry gave into the curly wurly moment 6

and a bag of ww balls 3.5

total syns 7,not bad

actually 10.5 ooohhhh noooooooo
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do you ovely ladies remember the blue dress i showed you for the wedding? well i think i have now found the perfect shoes


lush aernt they,what do you think....i want to get dressed up now,lol
They look amazing! No way I could wear them though. Haven't worn heels since 1986 when I had a bad car crash and smashed my back up!
Go for it girl!
thanks pommette,did you see the dress i posted a few pages back.dont know if i can walk in them yet,lol,few drinks and who cares haha xxx
Yes - think they will look stunning with the dress.
You won't need to walk - you'll be floating on air!
i dont wear heels very often,not since having the kids and if i do ive always got a pair of flats in my bag,lol,

ive just ordered 3 little suits for my boys and a gorgeous little dress for my little girl..cant wait to see them all dressed up...although my little girl is a tomboy and dosent do dresses,like yesterday i dressed her in a dress and a pretty cardi,5 minutes later she went and put shorts and t shirt on......shes only just gone 3,she dont do hair either,i want my hair down today mummy.......bless,the best one is bathing her the other day and she suddenly announced that she wanted to be a boy?!?!?!?! had to laugh.....wheres the little girl i longed for,lol,she aint no girly girl,shes a proper tom boy,but then she does have 3 brothers xxx
thursaday - ee

breakfast - strawberries and blue berries

dinner - garlic mushroom risitto,might have some cheese on top

tea - gammon, cheese sauce,leeks peas,roast potatoes,have no veg left so not much ss.going shopping tomorrow.re stock

heax1=42g cheese
hebx1=2x harvest morn bars...i love these

syns = bisto cheese sauce 2.5 syns
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Those shoes are just adorable Leanne!! I envy people who can wear whatever shoes they like! I LOVE very high heels, but unfortunately my bunions are not condusive to wearing them! When I do I have to have wide fitted ones which is extremely annoying! Mind you I totally exacerbate them on an almost daily basis by wearing heels of some kind, whether on boots or quite high wedges on sandals! I like the height, but I know I'm causing myself more problems for when I'm older! Go for it hun, you'll feel fab in them! X
love the shoes!!! Sounds like your whole family will be looking stunning!