Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

my kids were meant to go back tomorrow,but had a text earlier saying they dont go back till thurs.how annoyed was i,i packed lunches x 4 ,ironed uniforms,polished shoes,gah,useless.they having building work down there and only this week have they started building (school right behind my garden) they only had 6 bloomin weeks to do it....
Hi hunny, hope all is well! Did you enjoy your Wetherspoons brekkie? You can still lose hun!! Love love lurrrve the new avatar pic!! You look gorge!!!X
saturday - ee

breakfast - 2 slices toast apple

dinner - thai style mugshot,pear

tea - chicken curry with ,sweet red pepper,green,red,yellow pepper,mushrooms,onion,garlic,pasatta,stock with egg fried special rice,red onion,peas,egg,soy sauce

heax1=42g cheese
hebx1=2 slices ww thick sliced

syns = curly wurly 6
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went into town today looking for an outfit for my sisters birthday,picked up a m/l tried it on and it was huge,had to buy a small,how proud did i feel,me in a little black dress ;) .

my sis is 30 soon so shes arranged a chinese meal at a resturant and a load of us going clubbing after,so syns will be out the window sat eve,but im really looking foward to a knees up,although not to much in me little dress eh........