Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

bloody keyboard not working so minimal writing cos this takes 4 ever :(
I know the feeling. We've managed to kill 2 laptop keyboards recently by spilling wine on them - cost £100 to get them both repaired!

Take it you're still having problems as you haven't posted for a couple of days.
Hi hun, any progress on compoota?!! There's nothing more frustrating (apart from car problems and vacuum cleaners that don't suck properly!!!) Hope all good on the food front hun!! We are waiting for you to update on the challenge, but totally understand lol!!XXX
Yay - good result Leanne.
Hope normal service will be resumed on laptop soon!
Tell me, what are these Harvest Morn bars that u can have 2 of for a Bchoice? X

these bars are amazing.you get them in aldi,they do summer fruits,apple and rasin(i think it apple and rasin) and choc orange,,,they called somthing like 70% less cereal bars,next time a get a box il post a pic..

choc orange is my favourite
gonnabesmall said:
these bars are amazing.you get them in aldi,they do summer fruits,apple and rasin(i think it apple and rasin) and choc orange,,,they called somthing like 70% less cereal bars,next time a get a box il post a pic..

choc orange is my favourite

Ooh okeydokes, I'll have to invest!! X
Missed you too babs xx

Well done on losing 1.5lbs - what are you down to now? You must be close to target??

thanks chick,im only 11st 5lb.got right down to 11st 4lb a few weeks ago so im right narked with myself.never mind im still doin it...

had a bad tea at my mums yesterday,well amazing food but i darent sday what i ate,
put it this way 3 different desserts and i had a bit of each AND she had made saffron buns and a load of cakes.if i stayed home yesterday i would of been fine.no willpower whatso ever.
but it was a lovely afternoon with the family .il pull back on syns this week and eat loads of ss.

kids back to school this week to so i can go and do a healthy shop :)
Hiya hun, just thought I'd pop by to say hi and let you know I lost 2lb this week!! Yaay! Now 11st bang on! It's a great feeling but will be a magnificent feeling to break this 11st habit and get into the 10s FINALLY!!! Not long to go now and the same for you!!! Hurry up lol!! I went to Franky & Benny's tonight for a celebratory 3-courser! It was lusherooni!! I think it was what I needed as just wanted to let my hair down for ONE MEAL!!! Thoroughly enjoyed it and tomorrow starts a new 100% perfect week as HAVE TO break into the 10 stone range!!! Hope you're havin a good week and enjoying having your poota back!!!XXXX
Good to have you back again - laptops can be a reet pain at times, see to have a mind of their own! Or at least mine does.

Well done on the loss - keep it up. How far to target now? I have a vague memory that you were heading fro just below 11? Or is my dementia playing me up again?
yeah,im like heather ,dying to see the 10s.but this week is just going from bad to worse.....been so busy and just been grabbing what i can,

heather im sooooooo jealous but you totally deserve it hunny fingers crossed youl see the 10s next week,i will get there sick of 11st somthings lol

diary will start tomorrow after ive been shopping,maybe do it today....